Rhubarb Use In Constipation Cancer, Arthritis, Psoriasis

Natural Remedies

There are two types of Rhubarb.  The Chinese variety, Rheum Officinale, is the one mostly used in herbal medicine.  However, garden rhubarb, Rheum Rhaponticum, also has some value in treating certain diseases.

Remedy For Constipation:  The stalks of Garden Rhubarb are, of course, an aged-old remedy for constipation.  I think that this makes it a very helpful treatment in diseases such as cancer, arthritis and psoriasis:  Cleaning out the bowels of effete matter is imperative in treating any disease, as this is usually where the disease originates.

Rhubarb Root For Constipation: In using Garden Rhubarb for treating constipation, the most potent part of the plant to use is the dried root.  It must be dried and powdered or chopped before using, and only a half teaspoon can be taken in one dose.  Do not use this remedy more than once a week, as it is very vigorous in its action:  overuse can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Poisonous Leaves:  NEVER use the leaves of the Rhubarb plant.  These are very poisonous, as they contain large amounts of oxalic acid.  You can safely eat the stalks of Rhubarb, but never the leaves.

Stewed Rhubarb Stalks And Apple: This is a delicious combination which is often served as a dessert on its own, or used in a crumble as a treat. Simply stew your chopped Rhubarb stalks with an equal amount of grated, unpeeled apple.

In the absence of dried root, eating a cupful of stewed Rhubarb and apple  each morning will surely waken up a lazy bowel.

Because of its laxative qualities, eating rhubarb and apple frequently will help to prevent cancer, arthritis and other degenerative disease.

Eat Plenty Of Other Stuff Too:  Do not overdo the rhubarb.  It is high in oxalic acid which can deplete your body of calcium if your diet is deficient in this and other nutrients. This can result in arthritis-type symptoms and bone pain.

If you use Rhubarb frequently, be sure to eat plenty of other foods which contain calcium, protein and oils, such as good quality milk, fish, sesame seeds, almonds and nuts.

Or, alternatively, use lots of carrot juice, or cabbage, to counter the depleting effect of Rhubarb.

Natural Cancer Treatment: Rhubarb has apparently been used in China for treating some types of cancer. (See ‘Miracle Healing Herbs’ by John Heinerman, PhD, published byPrentice Hall, 1998)

Mammary Tumours: Rhubarb contains good amounts of potassium, calcium, and Vitamin C.  It is also reputed to contain the laxative ingredients rhein and emodin,  which have shown to be effective in treating mammary tumours in mice.

Malignant melanomas have also responded to the use of rhein and emodin compounds.  The dose given in John Heinerman’s book is 50mg per kilogram of body weight as a daily dosage.

Herbal Recipe For Treating Arthritis and Psoriasis: I have not tried this remedy, but this recipe adapted from Heinerman sounds to be very good.  The cabbage juice contained in the mixture would, I think, help to reduce the depletion of calcium.

He macerates 1 cup of Rhubarb root with half a cup of chopped Rhubarb stalks.

To this is added 10 tablespoonsful of powdered grape root – the Oregon variety if you can get it.

8 X 50mg zinc tablets are pounded into the mixture.

The resulting mix is then put into a screw-top jar, and 3 cups of good gin or rum put over it. I think a good vodka would do the trick just as well.

Shake twice a day for two weeks, then strain the mixture.

The final addition is One and a Quarter cups of cold cabbage water.  This is obtained by gently  simmering half a chopped cabbage in two pints of water for half an hour, or until the water has reduced to about half or less.

Put the Rhubarb liquid, together with the cabbage water, into a bottle and screw on the lid.

I would keep it in the fridge, to make sure it does not ferment before you use it up.

Dose is one teaspoonful five times a day before meals and before morning tea and afternoon tea.

John Heinerman says this is helpful for treating Arthritis and Hepatitis. Skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Herpes and Acne Vulgaris should all benefit from this herbal tonic.

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Lip Cancer Healed With Vit C Garlic and Ledum

Alternative Treatment For Basal Cell Carcinoma

This alternative remedy for a type of skin cancer took some time and much concerted effort, but I recently healed a lip cancer with megadoses of Vitamin C, Garlic Oil and Homeopathic Ledum.

The lip developed a major hole around October last year – 2013. A lot of RoundUp herbicide, which contains glyphosphate, was being sprayed around the flats where I lived, and about the town on all the grass verges. Spraying seemed to occur every two to three weeks. This stuff always affects my health adversely.

This was also a time, the beginning of spring, when I was doing a lot of gardening, and using commercial potting mix and so-called organic fertilizer.

The hole just would not go away, no matter how I kept it out of the sun, and no matter what sort of healing balms I applied.

I did notice that each time I went near the bags of organic fertilizer, and the pots which already had new potting mix in them, my lip became inflamed and sore.  I could feel the lip tingling in objection to my gardening materials.  It was also worse each time the glyphosphates was applied onto the grass near my flat.

So – I gave away all the organic fertilizer I had on hand, and moved my pots well away from the house.  That helped for a start.  I ALWAYS wore a sunhat and even a scarf, while the lip was not healing.  This went on for months, with several trips to the doctor to get a diagnosis and several prescriptions which had no good effect at all.

I was lined up to get a biopsy done at the hospital.  This has been done, a year later,  after I had healed it through natural treatments. The results show I have some basal cell carcinomas.

Now I know what works on this type of cancer, I will make the effort again to heal the other spots on my legs, arms and back.  These areas got much better while I was practicing my healing methods, but once the lip healed, I relaxed my efforts and so the other areas have worsened again.

This carcinoma has appeared on areas which have had excessive exposure to sun over the years, with the result that the skin is damaged.

How I Cured Basal Cell Carcinoma On The Lip

Vitamin C: Between 6000mg and 10,000 mg of non-acidic Vitamin C were taken each day.  I used whatever deals were cheapest – calcium ascorbate tablets of 1000mg – and ester C powder.  I took a tablet or two every two or three hours through the day.

This dosage was kept up for three to four weeks.  Then, on seeing how the carcinoma hole was getting smaller, with scar tissue showing on the edges, I reduced the dosage slowly to around half the original dose.

Then, around another month on, I reduced the dose to just a couple of 1000mg tablets per day, taken morning and night.  The Vitamin C treatment took around 3 months.

Garlic Oil:  This proved to be very effective, taken internally and also applied topically over the sore lip.  I bit a capsule open every few hours and applied the oil over the sore, then swallowed what was left of the capsule. I carried on applying garlic oil to the lip for around 3 months.

Homeopathic Ledum Cream:  Around twice or thrice a day in between the garlic oil applications, I applied homeopathic Ledum cream.  This had a wonderful soothing and healing effect. Right away you could feel the coolness of the Ledum, and the therapeutic effect it was having on the skin.

I continued the Ledum treatment for around 3 months, by which time the lip was healed.

Castor Oil: I took castor oil around once a week, to clear away toxins from the liver and intestines. Castor oil also has a healing effect on all parts of the body, as it seeps through to all body cells and helps to distribute nutrients. So that – combined with the neutralizing effect on toxins, and its cleansing effect, it is a remarkable healing agent.

Cut Out Wheat Milk and Sugar:  These were all eliminated from the diet whilst I was healing the lip. Instead, plenty of greens, soy milk, good quality protein and oatmeal porridge with grated raw apple formed the basis of the diet.  I allowed myself one good cup of brewed coffee per day, but took great care not to get the hot cup near my lip.  Heat on the lip was the worst thing, I found, so I reduced my hot drinks and used a straw to drink my coffee.

Homeopathic Thuja and Arsen Alb.  I used both these remedies for periods, using one remedy at a time.  Mainly, I used homeopathic Arsen Alb, as this remedy seems to work well for me as an immune-booster.  Whenever I feel a dose of flu or a cold coming on, I take Arsen Alb right away, and the flu is either avoided completely, or abated.

After a week or so on Arsen Alb, taking a few drops two or three times a day, I would switch to Thuja instead, and take that for a few days.  Thuja has a remarkable affect on the body by helping to neutralize poisons such as RoundUp and other herbicides and insecticides.  It is also good for the side-effects of vaccination.

Grated Raw Apple:  As well as the grated raw apple, eaten with a bowl of oatmeal porridge each morning, I ate one or two raw apples, grated before lunch and dinner.  Occasionally, I missed out on the lunch-time apple, but I always made sure I had raw apple at dinner-time. Altogether, I ate around 4 to 6 raw apples per day.

Dr Max Gerson used raw apple with oatmeal porridge in his famous cancer treatment.  He also used castor oil as part of his treatment, 2 tbsps taken every second morning, followed by a cup of black coffee.  I reduced the castor oil dosage this time, for the lip carcinoma, although I have strictly followed Gerson’s  castor oil method in the past, for healing a breast lump.


Apples To Prevent Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease

Medicinal Apples To Help Prevent Disease.

The health benefits of apples, especially those of the heritage variety, are truly remarkable.

Heritage apple trees, generally speaking, have a higher vitality, and a higher resistance to disease, than more modern commercial varieties.

It really is a very worthwhile thing to plant some heritage apple trees in your garden, such as the New Zealand Takapuna Russet, Northern Spy, Worcester Pearman, Sturmer, Lord Wolsely, and the cider apples Sidero Cidre and Yarlington Mill.

80% of the old heritage apples in America have died out due to modern commercial operations.  This is a very good reason to make the effort to plant some heritage varieties if you can.

Just this past week, I have been planting up a community orchard of heritage apple trees, and I am very fortunate to have a Takapuna Russet included in this garden of, so far, 21 trees.

The Takapuna Russet is one of the best apples to grow for your health, according to recent research. It is very high in vitamin C and other antioxidants. The Sturmer and Northern Spy, which are also part of my collection, are also well-known for their high Vitamin C content.

Others highly recommended for their phyto nutrients and polyphenols are the Belle de Boskoop, Bramley Seedling, Golden Russet and the Liberty.  Liberty is, according to the Raintree website, one of the highest in antioxidants available.



Dr Max Gerson famously used a grated raw apple, served with oatmeal porridge each morning, as part of his alternative cancer treatment. One whole, organic apple, skin and all, was grated and eaten every day by his cancer patients. Other important components to his diet were vegetable juices and salads, castor oil, to be taken every second day, and daily enemas.

Apples are rich in flavanoid antioxidants and benefical phytochemicals which are believed to help to prevent diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  More about research on this below. Apples are also high in fibre, which is also important in resisting disease and in treating it.

Eating raw apples can  help to prevent asthma attacks, according to a UK survey of 1,500 people. This study showed that people who ate two or more apples per week were 22%-32% less likely to get asthma than those who did not eat this amount of apples. Read this in ‘Food Is Better Medicine Than Drugs’, written by Patrick Holford and Jerome Burne, 2006. Piatkus Books Limited, London.

These vital, natural, disease preventing chemicals of the heritage apple are found mostly in the skin and just under the skin of the apple, which is why you should eat the whole, unpeeled apple, and why unsprayed fruit should be sought or grown.

The pips of the apple are also high in beneficial compounds, especially in laetrile, or vitamin B17, which has been shown to be effective in helping to reduce some cancers.

Note:  Be cautious in your use of the apple pip.  If you are treating a disease such as cancer, then you need to build up your dose of laetrile gradually. Begin with just four or five pips per day and, depending on body weight, increase the dose to around ten to fifteen per day, to be eaten in divided doses.

Again, it is important to use unsprayed organic apples if you are going to be eating any of the pips, since the toxic chemicals used in spraying build up in high concentrations in the pips and kernels of fruit.

The old-fashioned heritage varieties of apple are, without a doubt, superior to most modern varieties of apple in many ways. Many of the heritage varieties have been shown by researchers to have a much higher quantity of these antioxidants and phytochemicals which help to prevent and fight diseases such as cancer.

Following trials already done overseas, research began in New Zealand in 2002 to compare the nutrient value of some older NZ apple varieties to more modern, sweeter, commercial varieties. This research was called ‘The Apple Cancer Research Project’.

Some of the findings of these 2002 New Zealand studies were published by The New Zealand Tree Crops Association in March, 2004. In this publication,


it was pointed out that the old-fashioned Red Delicious was higher in almost all nutrients to its modern-day equivalent, the Pacific Rose. The only beneficial compound to have higher levels in the Pacific Rose, over the Red Delicious, was chlorogenic acid. This compound, chlorogenic acid, is a powerful antioxidant. However, there were other varieties of heirloom apples which proved to have an even higher content of antioxidants than even the Red Delicious.

The two heritage varieties  in these NZ trials which stood out from all other varieties, rating higher than any other apple in almost all nutrient categories, were the Hetlina and Monty’s Surprise. So watch out for these varieties.

These two varieties along with ‘Fairbelle’, topped the list for the powerful antioxidant, chlorogenic acid.  You will see that the flesh contains the higher amount, over the skin.  But this is not an indication that the flesh is necessarily better for you than the skin, because there are other important cancer-preventing chemicals contained in the skin. The antioxidant quercetin is found in high quantities in the skin of the heritage apples.

The following comparisons  for chlorogenic acid will give you some  idea of the exceptional nutritive quality of these heritage apples.

Hetlina rated 1115.7 in the flesh, 117.3 in the skin.

Fairbelle 783 rated in the flesh, 56.5 in the skin.

Monty’s Surprise rated 614.5 in the flesh, 86.3 in the skin.

Egremont Russet 391.2 in the flesh, 73.8 in the skin.

Red Delicious 178.7 in the flesh, 3.3 in the skin.

Pacific Rose 306.7 in the flesh, 29.2 in the skin.

So – the research shows that heritage apples are overall much higher in nutritive value than modern commercial varieties. Kentish Filbasket, Sweet Alford, Apple Mother, Cox’s Orange, Gravenstein, Northern Spy, Sturmer, Takapuna Russet, Red Delicious, Sidero Cidre, Yarlington Mill, and many other old heritage apples are very good trees to grow for their health benefits.

Personally, I love the Belle de Boskoop which comes from the Netherlands.  It  originated from a chance seedling around 1856, and is now widely spread across Europe.  According to Wikipedia, the Belle de Boskoop apple beats the Granny Smith for Vitamin C  by up to four times as much.

You will also find these old-fashioned trees to have a higher resistance to disease, which means you have to worry less about black spot and other fungi or insects spoiling your crop.

The Heritage Russet apples were thought to be especially good for preventing and treating diabetes, as well might we guess, but more research is needed to make a scientific claim.