Alternative Therapies For Cancer Do They Work

Alternative Medicine Therapies.

Alternative therapies for cancer – Do they work?

Doctor Max Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and two New Zealand healers, Dr Walter Last and Dr Eva Hill, are some of my favourite alternative cancer therapists.

These doctors have all written books on their methods of natural healing.  They are  all highly qualified medical people who have turned to natural means to cure people of disease.  These people have  cured many, many people over the course of their careers, of cancer, and other degenerative disease, and helped many more to prolong their lives.

One is not to assume, though,  that their methods are infallible:  not everybody survives cancer, whether it is treated by orthodox radiation and chemotherapy, or by alternative means.

Note:  Do see your doctor or health professional if you think you have cancer.  This article is not intended for people who want to do a ‘home cure’, but is intended for information only.

All of these health pratcitioners used detoxification methods with a diet of optimum nutrition in the form of raw food and juices, to help cure their patients.

Raw food and raw vegetable and fruit juice is essential in these alternative therapies.  Raw food, which provides optimum fiber, is cleansing to the bowel. It is also rich in enzymes,  antioxidants, including Vitamin C and other nutrients, all of  which help to heal disease, including cancer.

Dr Max Gerson founded a clinic which is still run today in Mexico.  He originally began in the USA, but was chased out of America by the  FDA, medical authorities and the drug barons, who obviously were threatened by  his astounding success in healing disease without the use of drugs.

The secret is in the elimination of toxins.  Detoxifying the Body through natural means is essential.  Raw foods help with this, but it is important to hurry up the process of detoxification, especially in advanced cases of disease.

Castor Oil Treatment:  The famous components of Dr Max Gerson’s diet, apart from the regular juices and raw salads, and a breakfast of oatmeal porridge with grated raw apple, are castor oil and coffee enemas. Two tablespoonsful of castor oil are taken every second day with a cup of black coffee. This is followed by an enema within five hours. Dr Gerson was convinced that the healing properties of castor oil would help to save many lives.  He began administering this to his patients.  He noticed that for many people this was the answer, but saw that the more debilitated patients often had a major decline in their health on the third day after having taken castor oil, even when they had initially improved.

He put this down to the fact that the castor oil was releasing poisons from the liver too quickly for the intestines to eliminate them:  These poisons   were being reabsorbed into the blood, which was causing poisoning by auto-intoxication.  This was when he had the bright idea of introducing enemas, in combination with regular doses of castor oil every second day, to flush away those poisons in the intestines.

It was the simple enema, in combination with the castor oil which detoxified the liver, which was responsible for his success in turning the condition of cancer around so that it could be beaten.

Miracle Cure of Jacqui Davison.

Jacqui Davison, who survived cancer using the castor oil, enema, and raw foods with juices, also wrote a book on her recovery from cancer.  She had been given up by the medical profession to die.  Her daughter persuaded her to try the Gerson approach.  She agreed to the treatment, fully expecting that she would still die, as she had been given only days to live.  But, day by day, and then week by week, she still was not dying, but was, instead, slowly recovering strength.  She fully overcame the disease:  The ‘side effects’ of the castor oil, enema and high nutrient programme resulted in her growing a new head of hair and a new set of teeth after a year on the diet and detoxification regime.

Jacqui’s success story is no ‘wishy washy’, ‘pie in the sky’ story:  Her story is well documented.  It is a fact that she had been abandoned by the medical authorities.

Dr Anne Wigmore Cured Cancer: Dr Anne Wigmore’s case is interesting. She had been diagnosed with cancer after a growth was discovered.  She had read the Gerson therapy, as I recall, but devised her own method for curing herself of cancer.  The main cleansing tool which she used was wheat grass juice.  She got better, after between 6 months and a year,  using her detoxification method, and raw food later, but when she announced to the medical profession that she had cured herself of the cancer which they said she had, their response was:

  • “Oh, well it couldn’t have been cancer if you’ve  cured it, then”.  So she agreed, this time, to a biopsy which proved there had been cancer growing in her breast. She had been opposed to the knife going in, initially, as she felt that would spread the cancer about her body, but she agreed to this operation so that the medical authories would know for sure that she HAD beaten cancer.

Sure enough, the reults were positive – it was cancer.  But, as she had predicted, the knife cut caused the cancer to start up again, and this time it took her two years to beat the cancer properly.

Macrobiotic Diet As Therapy: I have heard of people who have recovered from cancer and other disease using only a macrobiotic diet, which is not raw food, but high fiber cooked rice and vegetables. I believe it is the elimination of dairy, wheat and sugar in this diet which helps its efficacy, but no doubt the combination of nutritious alkaline foods, eaten with brown rice, has a healing effect.

Then again, recovery using this type of diet, or indeed any type of diet,  will  depend really on the sort of cancer being treated,  how severe the disease is, what resources one has to grow or  buy organic foods and look after oneself, emotional support, and determination with a strong will to live.

Walter Last and Detoxification:  Dr Walter cured many people of disease in the Northland area before he went to Australia in the 1980”s.  He wrote a book called “Heal Thyself”.  His methods were similar to Gerson’s in that the enema was an all-important tool for quickening detoxification. Walter’s diet allowed you to eat millet or cornmeal porridge in the morning.  His maxim was ‘Never eat cooked food on its own without something raw’. Raw food, especially mung bean sprouts,  however, was still the basis of his diet. The  addition of two raw egg yolks a day, with sips of calf liver juice at meal-times  for extra enzymes, vitamins B6 and B12, iron  and other  minerals, were complimentary to  his diet.

Enzyme Rich Calf Liver Broth is another integral part of Walter Last’s diet for recovering from disease. See my post on how to make this.

Freshly Pressed Juices:  These are an integral part of many alternative therapies for cancer, including Walter Last’s approach, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Dr Gerson’s. These healers favoured freshly pressed wheat grass juice, but organic carrot juice, beetroot, celery, apple and other vegetables and fruits were used.  A  glass of fresh  juice was recommended  every hour on Walter’s diet, and also on the Gerson programme.

I don’t know  so much  about the specifics of Dr Eva Hill’s treatments, or if there were any,  except that she used raw foods as the main component:  I have only ever seen one book which she wrote. I must find this book again to refresh my memory on her methods.

When I had a breast lump about twenty years ago, I read Dr Eva Hill’s book, which inspired me so much.  I also had  the books by Dr Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Walter Last and devoured the information in these as well as  any others I could lay my hands on.  I devised a treatment for myself which was ‘do-able’.

I bought a juicer and proceeded. We were lucky enough to keep a good vegetable garden at the time, which meant I had the added therapy of not only eating plenty of organic fresh vegetables and fruits,  but of being out there in the life-giving garden much of the time.

I took castor oil every second day followed by a cup of black coffee, with an enema about two hours after the castor oil.  I used several enemas a day – from three to five in the beginning of the treatment.  I  had a fresh juice every hour, took  Walter’s calf liver juice at meal-times, had two raw egg yolks a day, ate heaps of sprouts in salads, used olive oil, used enemas, did meditation. After three months, the lump had gone away.  I was elated.  Thinking I was cured,  I began eating other foods again, including a bit of dairy, wheat  and cooked food. To my alarm, the lump began to grow again.  So I went back on the diet and eventually, after several months,  the lump went away for good.

See my other posts on  alternative therapies for cancer:

  • Ridding the Body of Cancer.
  • Cancer/ Programme for Anthony
  • Vitamin C For Cancer Patients
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Why dogs Get Cancer
  • Alternative Therapies for Cancer
  • Uses of Castor Oil

Alternative Therapies on 60 Minutes With Mike McRoberts

Alternative Medicine: Does It Work?

22nd September, 2010.  Last night, on ‘Close-Up’, Channel One TVNZ, we were given what I consider to be a very unfair  and misleading representation of alternative therapies in a documentary presented by Mark Sainsbury.

I really think that the more recent documentaries on  Channel 3: 60 Minutes with Mike McRoberts have given us more valuable information on alternative therapies than any of the recent ‘Close-Up’ docos, but then, 60 Minutes perhaps has more time to prepare, with  only one whole hour of screening  once a week, compared to ‘Close-Up’s half an hour, week-days.

Hocus Pocus: The whole of the  “Close-Up” documentary was very quickly put together, by the look of it, without giving us any examples of people who  have been cured of disease by natural means. The emphasis really lay on the side of orthodox medicine.

The reason why our government is NOT RAISING the drinking age in New Zealand, when, with so many drinking-related car accidents amongst youth,  it obviously would be sensible to do so, was questioned:

“Is our government being held to ransom by liquor barons? we were asked in  the same programme:  Good question.  Great coverage here.

But regarding alternative therapies, and their being dismissed as ‘ridiculous’, I wonder who is being held to ransom on this issue?  Drug companies and the conditioning of doctors were not discussed in this programme.

The documentary  looked briefly at only  three therapies which were administered by ‘alternative’ practitioners.  These were  Reiki healing, Reflexology, and the cupping technique used in Chinese medicine.  It overlooked the fact that many health practitioners will use not just one of these techniques, but several techniques for treatment depending on what the ailment or the sickness is. Diet and detoxification are generally two high on the list.

Combined modalities such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and macrobiotic diets have many successes in treating disease, including cancer.

The Royal Homeopath: The Queen and all the Royal family have  their own  family homeopathic doctor, who has kept them all well for years.   How old was the Queen Mother when she died?  100? 101? She was a fan of homeopathic medicine. No doubt, there would have been occasions when allopathic medicine was used in the Royal household, but homeopathy is the preferred medicine of the Royals.

There are, in fact, six homeopathic hospitals within the National Health Service, and of these, at least one is in London.  This information is to be found in  Dr Andrew Stanway’s book entitled ‘Alternative Medicine’:

  • ‘The Faculty of Homeopathy in London is recognised in law just like all the other learned medical faculties”…….. yet Victoria University  doctor Shaun Holt says homeopathic medicine is not valid because he says there’s nothing to prove that it works.

Just how a doctor from a university such as Victoria Uni in Wellington can remain so ignorant about alternative treatments beats me:  There is  heap of literature on well-documented cases of people who have recovered from degenerative disease, like cancer, using alternative therapies.

Dr Ann Wigmore wrote a book on how she  healed herself of cancer by natural means.  She then proceeded to help thousands of people over the years, healing many of them, in her cancer clinics which she ran in several places – America, and Sydney, Australia.

There is the famous cancer therapy of Dr Max Gerson:  He also wrote extensively about his ‘alternative’ treatments, about 50 odd years ago.

Hocus Pocus was the signage, written in bold red type,  at the top right of the documentary when the alternative therapies were “on”. Is that impartial? Definitely not.  Dr Shaun Holt,  who works at Victoria University, Wellington,  which is hard to believe, considering his  prosaic turn of phrase and his profound ignorance on the subject of alternative therapies,  told us that alternative therapies were ‘a waste of time’, that they were ‘ridiculous’, and that they are ‘wishy washy’.

This Dr Shaun Holt appeared on a programme just two nights ago, on TV One’s “Sunday’ programme.  It is a bit of a worry that TV One drags this uninformed man up twice  in the same week, to damn the use of natural therapies.  Of course, he was against the use of Vitamin C in hopitals, on the ‘Sunday’ programme, and claimed that ‘there is no compelling evidence’ for the use of vitamin C in treating people with cancer.

Wrong, Dr Holt.  I suggest you talk to Dr Goodhope in Melbourne, Australia:  he is a vitamin C specialist who might enlighten you. Dr Goodhope said, on an earlier programme, that he considers it  ” is absolute neglect to refuse Vitamin C for an acute illness,  like swine flu, in the early stages.” I am sure that he would also consider Vitamin C to be  useful in the treatment of cancer.

Get hold of some books by Dr Max Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last: there are hundreds to choose from, written by qualified people, which recount their successes using ‘alternative’ therapies such as diet and detoxification.

So Shaun Holt says alternative therapies are “just nonsense” and ‘ridiculous’. He dismissed the idea of ‘energy’ being utilized in Reiki healing and said there was no evidence that this type of energy exists.

Dr Holt does not seem to have heard about the ancient Chinese/Tibetan methods of healing – these are recognised by many doctors in the profession today as being totally valid:  the twelve main meridian lines can be equated with the modern nervous system of an individual. Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and other reflexology techniques are based on the science of these meridian lines, which most surely do have a foundation. So Dr Holt’s claim that there is no science behind reflexology is either an outright lie, or just plain ignorance.

People die of cancer and other disease every week, after having gone through the orthodox channels of treatment in the hospitals.   Sadly, Dr John Pollock, a very well-loved and respected man and physician, died this week from cancer. He was only 61 years old.  Orthodox medicine did not save him.

It was encouraging to hear Dr Sue Levin stating on an earlier programme  that Vitamin C  reduces pain, which was one good reason for its use in hospitals.  She said that intravenous Vitamin C has a strong role to play in treating cancer, but that it was not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment.  Combining ‘alternatives’ with orthodox treatment could prove to be interesting.

Of course there is a place for orthodox medicine, but let’s face it:  It does not work for everybody and for every condition.  People still die of cancer under treatment given by the hospital doctors.

To be fair, we should acknowledge that natural therapies do not always work either, but at least they should be given an equal chance as that of orthodox medicine, and not dismissed as ‘just nonsense’ by the likes of Shaun Holt, or as ‘Hocus Pocus’ by ‘Close-Up’.

Vitamin C for Cancer Patients

Cancer and Vitamin C

Vitamin C  as a Cancer Treatment has been used for decades, in combination with other remedies.

The debate, Is Vitamin C Effective For Treating Cancer? ran tonight, 18 September, 2010, on ‘Sunday’, presented by John Hudson.

The most striking thing, I thought, was the difference between those doctors who were open to the idea of using Vitamin C as part of a cancer treatment, and those doctors who were closed to the idea of Vitamin C having any value, even though they had never tried it.

Someone in the know should really do some research into the psychology behind the closed-minded attitude which many doctors have, and compare it to the psychology of an open-minded and more positive  doctor. I know which of the two I would rather put my faith in.

Incidentally, the two doctors who were open to the use of Vitamin C were both women. The other doctors  who were against the use of Vitamin C  were adamant that Vitamin C was not effective, and trotted out with the usual phrases about there being no research which proves conclusively that Vitamin C is any good, and that it might even do harm, they said.  These are  ridiculous and unintelligent statements, considering their lack of knowledge about Vitamin C use – they haven’t tried it, let alone read about it – and ridiculous too when you consider that chemotherapy and radiation therapy actually harm the healthy cells whilst they are attacking the cancer cells, yet this aspect of conventional therapy was conveniently overlooked in the discussion.

Vitamin C has actually been found to be effective in minimizing the negative side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.

It is an unfair response too, on the part of these negative-thinking doctors, when you consider that  many patients who have been administered Vitamin C  by the hospitals,  are only given it at the last moment, when all else has failed and the patient is very weak:

“See, it didn’t work” they will say when the patient did not recover.  Vitamin C or any other treatment  is not likely to do much good if it is administered just before death..

Other reasons for not giving Vitamin C to cancer patients was that  ‘It might interfere with the chemotherapy and radiation treatments”……”The kidneys might be damaged” they said,  about giving  Vitamin C  to a patient who was soon to die:  Again-  No mention of their  radiation and chemotherapy causing any damage to kidneys or other organs.  At this stage, anyway,  the worry about Vitamin C affecting the kidneys is not a realistic concern. What is wrong with giving Vitamin C a try, if the patient  is about to die, and  all  other ‘treatments’ for cancer are obviously not working?

Vitamin C for Pain Relief: At the very least, high doses of Vitamin C  help reduce pain and suffering: This is a FACT.  This alone, is good enough reason to administer Vitamin C, even if the patient is not expected to live.

Yet still,  these doctors, Professor Shaun Holt and Dr Michael Jameson, seem determined to undermine the benefits of Vitamin C,  publicly stating  that Vitamin C does not have an effect on cancer, and that they will not try it.

Proof That Vitamin C Affects Cancer Cells : This is a hot debate at the moment, because we were told on the news within the past couple of weeks, that New Zealand doctors had proved that there is definitely a link between Vitamin C and cancer, and that Vitamin C does inhibit some cancers, and even reduce others.  However, these reported findings were not discussed on tonight’s ‘Sunday’ programme.

We were fortunate to have the Christchurch hospital specialist who is in charge of the Otago University Research team on the show.  This specialist, who had a well considered and intelligent approach, was convinced that Vitamin C could help save people’s lives, but said that they needed more money for research to work out things like the best dosage, and what other therapies might be complimentary to Vitamin C therapy. She was hopeful that the government might give the university some money for research so that more could be learned about how to use Vitamin C for cancer patients.

Dr Sue Levin supported the use of Vitamin C in hospitals as part of a cancer treatment.  She said Vitamin C was ‘a necessary part of treatment’, but that Vitamin C was not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment.

Research money usually comes from the drug companies, who are not keen to be doing any research into the effects of Vitamin C – I wonder why?

Hospitals Refused To Administer Vitamin C: We had more controversy over the use of Vitamin C recently, when Auckland hospital denied the use of Vitamin C for a patient who had swine flu.  After the man’s family threatened to take legal action if the hospital did not administer Vitamin C, the hospital backed down, gave the vitamin C, and the man recovered.

This case was discussed earlier in the week, on Wednesday, TVNZ  Channel 3: “60 Minutes’ programme.  An Australian doctor, Ian Goodhope, who is a Vitamin C specialist, had much to say on the issue of Vitamin C:  “Anyone who deprives a patient of the use of Vitamin C is guilty of neglect” , he said.  He is promoting the use of Vitamin C for Swine flu, and has had good results on the use of Vitamin C.

It would be good to have Dr Goodhope’s thoughts on the use of Vitamin C for cancer.  He said that there is ‘plenty of research and good material on the use of Vitamin C’ – I know that there is much literature on cancer treatments, and the use of Vitamin C as a complementary therapy:  Dr Gerson used Vitamin C as part of his cancer therapy in the middle of the 20th century, and he has written a famous book about some of his cases and the treatments which he used.

The approach of medical people into the use of Vitamin C is interesting:  Many doctors are still are looking for a ‘cure’ as such.  Vitamin C is a great complementary therapy for cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifyier, but it should never be regarded as being the only thing required to cure someone of cancer.

The important things to consider in really curing someone of cancer are high nutrients in the form of raw foods and juices, and detoxification:  When someone has cancer, detoxification has to be done very speedily, to stop the cancer from growing, and to begin the process of reduction.

Dr Gerson never used such huge doses of Vitamin C for treating cancer, as I recall.  The more important thing is that toxins are cleared quickly form the bowel, in order to beat the cancer.  Vitamin C helps in negating poisons, and in helping to clear the bowel.  However, it is ESSENTIAL that the bowel be cleared quickly in advanced cases of cancer. The two most important tools to get this achieved are castor oil and enemas.

High Fiber Foods  and Maximum Nutrient Value: Raw food and their juices provide maximum nutrition, but also provide large amounts of fiber which is essential in reversing the situation of cancer.

Dr Gerson was adamant that people should NOT have chemotherapy and radiation treatment if they wanted to recover using his method.  Radiation and chemotherapy harm the organs and the cells so much, that dietary and detoxification methods are less likely to achieve a cure if these orthodox treatments have been used first.

In the case of the poor young 20 year old boy, who died from cancer while this programme was being made,  I believe that if he had been able to use the other treatments in the Gerson therapy, namely enemas and castor oil,  he might still be alive today.  It still may have been too late, of course, especially with his having undergone radiation and chemotherapy, but many people who have been abandoned by orthodox medicine because it is believed they have only a short time to live, have recovered when these two extra therapies have been administered.

Can Iodine Cause Heart Palpitations

Heart Palpitations.

Can Iodine cause heart palpitations? Yes, it can, if you use too much at a time.

Iodine For Hair Growth: Iodine, of course, is great for stimulating  hair growth.  But you must not over-do the Iodine.

Heart Palpitations From Iodine: You may  get heart palpitations from iodine if you are very sensitive to chemicals, or you have candida albicans, a yeast infection, or you have  a weakened immune system. In any of these cases  you might experience  a slight toxic reaction, with  heart palpitations, from using even  moderate amounts of iodine on your skin.

Allergy to Iodine:  Avoid Using Iodine if you are getting heart palpitations, and see your health professional.

For most people, using Iodine on the skin is not a problem. A dab or two of iodine applied to the skin is healthy for most people, as this helps prevent iodine deficiency. When iodine  is applied to the skin, it is absorbed into the skin, into the blood, and benefits the thyroid gland so that you do not get goitre and other malfunctions of the glands, and hormone imbalances.

Many Other Things  Can  Cause Heart Palpitations:  The heart has finely tuned electrical impulses all of its own, as does the brain, and so people can get heart palpitations from being too close to electrical appliances when they are going,  or sitting next to an electicity extension cord even while an appliance is not switched on: Alternating currents still  go back and forth along a cord to an appliance even if it is not switched on.

Heart palpitations, therefore,  can result from being in the close proximity of an electrical generator, transformer, or high tension wires, or being too close to other electro-magnetic forces.  These things also affect your brain function, and nervous impulses.

Poor memory can result from exposure to high-level electrical impulses, and even  to being exposed to  low-level radiation over the long term. Radio waves and electromagnetic vibrations from electrical sources seriously do undermine the health.

Cell phones can cause heart palpitations, as can and do  cell phone transmitters.  If you spend too much time being close to these energy fields, then your own electrical impulses will be disrupted, and this will have an effect on the whole nervous system, including the brain, the heart and nervous impulses.

Herbicides and pesticides, even in microscopic amounts on the breeze, can cause heart palpitations.  Being near hidden sites of rat poison can cause heart palpitations.

Potted indoor orchids,  tropical indoor plants, and even vases of flowers, especially if the plants  contain alkaloids as in the case with magnolias, can cause heart palpitations. This is because thewater in the vase leaches out some of the poisons in the plant:  As this water starts to ferment, the potency of the poisons are increased. Bingo.  You have a recipe for causing  migraine and heart palpitations.

Heart Palpitations are a Barometer:  Getting heart palpitations, for myself, is always a warning that something is not right in my environment. Getting palpitations gives you time to reassess your environment and the poisons around you, and gives you an opportunity to correct things before you get sick. This is how I avoid getting sick from poisonous chemicals and electro-magnetic interference – by listening to my heart.  I do not go to the doctor to get something to stop the palpitations, as that will only make the matter worse, and will not address the CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE.  Heart palpitations will cease in a healthy body when the cause is removed.  Having said that – again,  don’t use Iodine if it makes your heart flutter.

So – heart palpitations for me are a good thing, as they alert me to hidden dangers. From there, I have to work out exactly what the contaminant is. Then I can remove the cause.

Using some drugs such as Voltarin, or Warfarin, can cause heart palpitations.  I get heart palpitations if I spend too long in the kitchen, cooking,  near to where a relative of mine keeps his warfarin on the sink bench.

And did you hear the latest about Voltarin?  On the news just last night, Channel One, TVNZ, we heard that you have an  80%  chance of suffering a stroke if you take Voltarin.

These drugs should never be prescribed, in my opinion:  There are plenty of proven natural and herbal remedies available, to use as alternatives.  These alternatives  are safe and are better options than orthodox medications  to prevent stroke and heart attack.  Warfarin and Voltarin, which seem to be prescribed for many people over the age of 55, are very risky medicines indeed, and actually cause a degeration of the vital organs, instead of rejuvenating them.

Avoid Using Iodine If You Get Heart Palpitations: Getting back to the use of Iodine on the skin:  If you experience heart palpitations from using iodine directly on the skin, then you should avoid using it. It could be that a candida infection is the problem, or  that toxic bowels are making you super-sensitive, or that you are using too much Iodine.

However – if in doubt, then don’t use it.  Instead, you should get your iodine straight from the sea-bed, in the way of oysters, mussels, sardines, tuna, and mackerel.  Kelp is another  excellent source of Iodine.

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Treatment For Swine Flu

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu :  From the Documentary ’60 Minutes’, Channel 3, Television New Zealand,  Wednesday, 15th September, 2010.

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First of all, a big thankyou to the presenters of Channel 3  ’60 Minutes’, Mike McRoberts, and all the others, for running this show. Getting the information ‘out there’ is what it’s all about.  Without shows such as this one, many of us would be none the wiser.

Thank God that we do have some very good  and intelligent people such as Professor Brighthope in the medical profession – Doctors who are open to the use of Vitamin C and other ‘unorthodox’ treatments for disease.  However, the work of these enlightened doctors is often undermined by other closed-minded doctors in the profession, and by the design of drug companies who fund research, and control the drug market, as we shall see.

The effect of this close-mindedness  means that people are being robbed of life by the health authorities instead of being assisted to recover and live.  This goes against the Hippocratic oath which insists that a doctor should have it in his heart to do his UTMOST to value, protect and save life wherever he can.

Professor Brighthope is a Vitamin C specialist, an Australian doctor.  He was interviewed on ‘60 Minutes’ last night.  He was very much in support of using Vitamin C to treat swine flu and made some very pertinent comments on just why New Zealand hospitals are avoiding the use of Vitamin C, and are refusing  to acknowledge its value. He expressed his concern, and made the comment:  ‘people are dying because of the attitude of doctors’.

Professor Brighthope was emphatic that:

  • ‘People don’t die of swine flu – they die of Vitamin C deficiency.’

’60 Minutes’ covered the story about a month ago, of a man who miraculously recovered from swine flu after being given intravenous megadoses of Vitamin C.

Alan Smith has survived to tell the tale, but only because his family were boxers who didn’t give up the fight:  Auckland Hospital doctors had stated that Alan’s life support system should be turned off, because there was nothing more that they could do to save his life from swine flu.

Alan Smith’s family requested that Vitamin C be given to him, as a last ditch effort to try and save his life.  The hospital authorities STILL REFUSED.  One has to wonder just why they were so keen NOT to administer the Vitamin C, as, at this stage, there was OBVIOUSLY nothing to lose.

Thankfully, Alan survived because of his family’s determination to give him Vitamin C, and because the authorities took fright and backed down when the family threatened to sue.

A New Zealand doctor on the programme last night  gave an extremely lame defence  of why Vitamin C should NOT be given. He said that they did not want to give Vitamin C to swine flu victims  because they ‘have no proof that it works, and that Vitamin C can be harmful’. Just how ridiculous is that.

This statement is not only ridiculous, it is untrue:  as Doctor Brighthope said, Vitamin C is one of the most researched products in the world, and it IS effective in treating swine flu.

The New Zealand doctor stated that not enough research had been done into the use of Vitamin C for hospitals to ever use it……  Wrong, we know. Otago University in Christchurch, New Zealand, has come up with research results which would seem to support the use of Vitamin C in treating cancer………….   But the reporter asked him who funds the research – was it the drug companies?  “Yes”, he said,  “It was the drug companies.” …….A very meaningful pause ensued, and my guess was that he immediately rued having made that comment.

There is just no reason NOT to use Vitamin C:  In Alan’s case, if  the doctors were that convinced that Alan was about to die, and were about to remove the life support system, then there was obviously nothing to lose: The risk of Vitamin C causing any harm would not have been a serious consideration. Yet the medics still refused the treatment of Vitamin C, saying that ‘there was no proof’. They should not have resisted giving Vitamin C, and had no grounds to prohibit its use.

Bob Goodwin was not so lucky.  Bob was being treated for swine flu in North Shore Hospital.  His family, too, tried to get Vitamin C administered to treat swine flu, but were not successful in convincing the hospital to try it until it was too late.

The hospital had refused to give Vitamin C, saying that Vitamin C could cause kidney failure.  Meanwhile,  Bob suffered kidney failure anyway from the effects of swine flu.  The authorities came around to pull out the life support system.  Bob’s son managed, at that late stage, to get the hospital to administer Vitamin C, but it was too late in Bob’s case, for Vitamin C to have any effect.

A similar block was put up to the family of a 36 year old woman who was  recently in the Intensive Care Unit at Auckland hospital.  The family was told adamantly that:

  • ”There will be no circumstance  where Vitamin C will be administered’.

This poor girl died from swine flu at the hands of the medical profession who refused her a treatment which has been known to work.

In Australia, at St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney, a 20 year old girl, Laura  Clarke, was treated recently for swine flu.  Her family had heard about the success of Alan Smith’s case, tracked down his family in New Zealand, and from there,  proceeded to Vitamin C specialist Professor Ian Brighthope for help.

The Sydney hospital agreed.  Laura’s lungs cleared and began to function normally after being given Vitamin C.  However, the hospital took her off the Vitamin C treatment, against Doctor Brighthope’s advice. They also took her off the life support system.  Laura died.

Note:  Please read the comments below from Andrew, who was a friend of Laura’s.    Andrew points out that St Vincent’s  hospital acted in accordance with the family’s wishes.  My condolences to you and the family, Andrew.

Lawyer May Chen who is working on the legality of some of these hospital decisions  said:

  • Vitamin C in high doses is efficacious………Vitamin C treatment has a long pedigree to it…….

Professor Brighthope said that

  • ‘It is absolute neglect to not allow, or prohibit, the use of Vitamin C for swine flu’…..He is horrified that this ban continues in New Zealand hospitals and appalled that they won’t try it.

IN FAVOUR Of VITAMIN C: Vitamin C Specialist Professor Brighthope has used Vitamin C effectively in many cases of disease in hospitals and clinics.  He stated that the dose needs to be a large one, and that megadoses of at least 50,000 mg were often used.

To the comment made by the New Zealand ‘expert’ who said that “There is no proof that Vitamin C works’, – the old drug company-derived jargon  which is aimed at influencing all  flappable minds in order to hold tight their control, Professor Brighthope advised New Zealand doctors to:

  • “READ.  There is PLENTY of evidence….The libraries are full of good literature on it.”