Dog Dies From Lymphoma Six Months After Eating RoundUp Spray

The young dog of a friend of the family’s has recently died of lymphoma.  The dog was not old – around six years.

Six months ago, the man of the house sprayed RoundUp on their grass verges and roundabout the garden.  The dog went over and ate some of the grass which had been sprayed.  It became sick – not just regurgitating the grass, which cats and dogs like to do to clean out their stomachs, but was clearly feeling unwell.  He remained sick and was not his usual self for many days.  So they took him to the vet, who said there was nothing wrong with a dog eating grass sprayed with RoundUp, and that he would be OK.  But he was not OK.

Six months later, the wee dog was dead from lymphoma cancer.

I wrote a post a few years ago about the dangers of pets and children playing or wandering through sprayed areas of grass.  Pet owners need to be careful, I said, not to take their dogs walking through parks which have been sprayed.  Nor should they be let loose to run through poisoned areas.

Cats are even more at risk, as they roam far and wide at night, and are likely to be exposed to toxic herbicides or weedkillers, and pesticides, on their travels.  One assumes that awareness is growing regarding herbicides and pesticides affecting the health of humans, pets and planet.  But the use of herbicides and pesticides seems to be increasing to that of former years.

RoundUp glyphosate, and pesticides such as 1080 and brodifacoum, are being used more than ever all over the country, to the detriment of our health, and especially to the health of children.  They will surely be reducing longevity of children, pets and adults who become exposed to these poisons on a regular basis.

Food Glyphosate Levels From RoundUp Increased 500 Times Since 1994

Environment and Health

RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, is not biodegradable.  Interesting, I think, that Monsanto had to be taken to court a couple of years ago, to get them to remove their false claim of ‘biodegradable’ from the packaging of their RoundUp weedkiller.

RoundUp weedkiller, and Monsanto’s related RoundUp Ready seeds and plants, are a multi-billion dollar industry. For over 20 years, they have marketed their RoundUp weedkiller as ‘biodegradable’, happily duping farmers, agriculturalists, city councils, governments, and the general public about the safety of RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, an ingredient which WHO,  World Health Organization,  last year declared is a ‘probable cause of cancer’.

Some organic farmers use RoundUp, which misleads people into thinking RoundUp must be OK.  But RoundUp and glyphosate are not safe, and should never be used in the organic industry, if at all. How can this be, that organic producers can use glyphosate weedkiller? Well –  Monsanto has cleverly convinced governments everywhere that a small amount of glyphosate is acceptable, which is why some organic farmers can call their stuff organic:  as long as they make sure that they are within the so-called ‘safe’ range, then they can call their stuff organic, when in fact it is not at all.

I heard the tail end of a documentary on Radio New Zealand about a month ago.  They reported that German scientists have found that levels of glyphosate,  the active ingredient in the weedkiller called RoundUp, have increased 500 times since 1994,

1994 was the year that Monsanto introduced their ‘RoundUp Ready’, genetically modified seeds, to the agriculture industry.  RoundUp Ready seeds are patented seeds, which means you have to buy them, and these patented seeds are designed to withstand any amount of glyphosate-containing RoundUp.  This means that the farmer, or grower, can spray any amount of glyphosate-containing weedkiller over these genetically modified seeds, or growing plants,  and the weedkiller will not kill the genetically modified seeds or plants, but it will kill everything else that grows around the RoundUp Ready plants.

So the plant keeps on growing, whilst any amount of glyphosate weedkiller, known as RoundUp, or – new name change to dupe the public -G360, which still contains glyphosate, is sprayed on regularly to kill the weeds.  This glyphosate-containing weedkiller is absorbed into the plant.  As the plant keeps on growing, it absorbs some of the glyphosate weedkiller each time a spraying occurs.  Then WE GET TO EAT IT.

So, no wonder that glyphosate levels in our food is up 500 times since 1994, when RoundUp Ready seeds were first marketed by Monsanto.

And no wonder that asthma and other breathing problems, plus eczema, arthritis, candida related sicknesses such as cancer, depression and nervous diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and parkinsons, are all increasing rapidly.

I am currently living in the wild west of New Zealand spraying culture in Dunedin.  Hundreds of miles of country roads are sprayed regularly with tonnes and tonnes of weedkiller.  Maybe the council is not using glyphosate anymore, I do not know, but the effect on our health is still disastrous.  Last year, I took photos of one of the town’s water reservoirs, which had been sprayed right around with weedkiller, with the adjoining road heavily polluted with sprayed, dead grass which you could see for miles down the road.

Dunedin is a very small city, so the country is very close to us, no matter where you live here.

It is obvous that my grandsons are being affected by the spraying.  Each time a massive spraying occurs, they succumb to asthma-like illness.  I notice that many old people get pneumonia, severe flu, or other illnesses after sprayings occur.

1080 pesticide is another problem to our health.  This affects the nervous system very dramatically, which is not a surprise, since it kills wildlife by destroying their nervous systems.  Large areas of land have been poisoned with 1080  in Dunedin over the past few months, which I am sure caused much lung disease, depression and heart troubles in our community.  I became very ill with a mysterious nervous condition, resulting in extreme weakness, when the nature reserve only a few doors down was dosed with 1080 recently.

It is such a shame that New Zealand ‘Forest And Bird Society’, and, I think, even the ‘Green Party’, endorse the use of 1080 pesticide.  They have no idea about the damage being done to all wildlife, and our water and food chain, through use of 1080, but keep a romantic idea of preserving the native bush and birds without any sense of reality.


Homeopathic Eupatorium Perfoliatum Its Uses And Sequences

Natural Remedies:

Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum is one of the main remedies used today for influenza.  It is also useful for colds, for intermittent fevers, such as in malaria, arthritic headaches or migraine headaches when the other symptoms correlate to the remedy, and for gout and its associated bone pains and swellings. (see Kent)
It acts chiefly on the bones, stomach and liver, on the occiput, bronchial tubes, and muscles of chest, back and limbs. (C.M.Boger)

Homeopathic Eupatorium perf. is compatible with, and can be followed well by, Natrum mur and Sepia.

Eupatorium perf. is a similar remedy to Nux vom in that they both have aching and pain in the bones, feeling as if they would break.  The main difference is that Nux vom patients are very irritable, whilst the Eupatorium perf. patient is not irritable, but is decidedly sad and anxious.

Eupatorium perf. can be bought in a homeopathic combination with Arsen alb and Gelsemium, which are also known for their great flu-relieving qualities.

Eupatorium perfoliatum, often called ‘Boneset’  which name arose because of its affinity with the bones, is an ancient herb well known to Dioscorides, who recommended it for old ulcers, snake bite, dysentery, chronic fevers and liver ailments. (Harvey Farrington, MD)

The herb is common in North America, where it gained a reputation as a cold and flu remedy amongst the early settlers of New England.  It is still used today in northern and eastern rural areas for their typical flu and fevers, especially when bone pain and chill is a characteristic of the malady.

In warmer climates, such as the southern areas of America, where influenza is less common than in the cold climates of the north, Eupatorium perfoliatum is used more for malaria and dengue fever.  Kent points out that remedies seem to work differently, on different diseases, depending upon the climate.

Characteristics of Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum:

Bone pains almost always go with the remedy.  Pain in the back, legs, wrists and ankles particularly. The whole body aches intermittently. There is often back pain and chill which seems to emanate from the small of the back, spreading up the back and into the limbs.

The lower leg bones and calves are often affected.  Dropsy of the legs can occur, especially after malarial attacks or gout.  Swelling of the lower legs and feet.

Left wrist can feel sore, as if it is dislocated.

Pain in the eye-balls is often experienced.  Any illness which has this pressure on the eye-balls should respond well to Eupatorium perf.

Painful pressure on the forehead – as in a migraine – a sure indication of the remedy according to Bayes. (W. A. Dewey)  Arthritic headaches.

Restlessness, sadness and anxiety are usually present.

Thirsty.  Often nauseous after drinking.  Smell of food offends. A yellowish colour to the complexion.

Symptoms often worse in the morning and for cold air.  Symptoms can alternate their time frame, being prevalent between 7-9 in the morning on one day, but on the evening of the following day, (Dewey) or at midday the following day according to another source.

Symptoms (fever, chill, headache, bone pain) often display a recurring cycle of either three days, or seven days. (Kent)

The patient is chilled.  Often chill comes after drinking.  Chill can start at small of the back.

Worse lying on right side.

Headache and bone pain can alternate.

Boring headache, pain at back of neck, sometimes alternating with gouty pain in joints.

Gout pains of ankles, elbows, big toe, finger joints.

Sweating relieves many of the symptoms, although not the headache. Sweat seems to be scanty.

Vertigo, and a feeling as if falling to the left is common.

Dry, hacking cough. Painful cough which requires chest to be clutched while coughing.

Hoarse in the morning.  Larynx and upper part of respiratory system are sore. (Dewey)

A laryngeal tickle causes coughing. (C.M.Boger)

Summary of Uses: Eupatorium perf. can help relieve catarrhal fevers, colds and flu, intermittent fevers, malaria, headaches, gout, bone swellings, swelling of legs and ankles.


Brodifacoum Pesticide Killing Birds In New Zealand

Toxic Chemicals:

New Zealand Parklands Being Poisoned

This article was first published in 2010.  I removed it to another website, but decided to republished it on this website, since I have been writing lately about the effects of poison drops in the Kaikorai Valley area, Dunedin.  I know the local council have supported the use of 1080 drops in the past few months, and have suspected that sudden faintness, bone pains, general debilitation and sick pets is the result of these 1080 drops.  I do not know whether the council here is using brodifacoum, but this is another deadly poison, and, like 1080, gets into our water and our food eventually.

Our ‘clean, green’ image, promoted by Tourism New Zealand, and one which many Kiwis fondly relate to, is a fallacy.

New Zealand has a history of rampant chemical abuse which goes back to the days of DDT, which is still in our soils.  Then followed the herbicides 2,4D,  and 245T, which was used here long after it was banned in the rest of the educated world.

Sadly, not much has changed: Here we are in the 21st century, with the new super Auckland City Council in charge of us up here at Orewa, in the Whangaparoa, ex-Rodney Council region. This new council of Auckland City has approved a massive drop of Brodifacoum – 30 tonnes of the stuff, to be exact – to be aerially dropped over the region of the Shakespear Sanctuary.

This is not really a surprise either, considering the compliance of the Auckland City Council over the aerial poisoning of Auckland, which took place around 2002-2005.   This poisoning, done to get rid of the elusive apple moth, we were told, was, I believe, a crime against humanity.  They carried on with their campaign, spraying a deluge of apple moth spray over much of Auckland, until finally, Victoria University in Wellington proved that the spray WAS damaging the health of Aucklanders.  This was the moment when they were forced to stop their campaign.

Why couldn’t our own university in Auckland tackle the problem?  Well, the answer is that it was a politically sensitive issue:  The Auckland newspaper, “The New Zealand Herald”, was actually supporting the spraying programme by refusing to publish our on-going objections to the spray.  The same newspaper blatantly ran full page advertisements to support the campaign, driven by MAF, as if the apple moth poison, and these seriously ‘concerned’ people,  were seriously going to make our lives better.

The University of Auckland did nothing to come to our aid, when all the time, they had the records of student health over the period, which would have indicated the increased health problems suffered by students subjected to this poison.

Well, the Brodifacoum drop on Shakespear Park will hopefully not be on the scale of the apple moth poisoning, but it surely is a danger to all life, all the same.  And it is a shame that people on the Whangaparoa Peninsula have not banded together, to make as loud a noise a possible,  to try to stop the poisoning.

It seems most people on the whangaparaoa Peninsula are not even aware of the proposed Brodifacoum drop, or, if they are, they have been seduced into believing that it will not harm them.  Either that, or they just don’t care.

I have seen only one letter in our local paper, “The Rodney Times”, which objected to the Brodifacoum drop.  I made a response to this letter, to endorse the writer’s objections to the use of Brodifacoum, but my letter has not been published.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:

Poison Free New Zealand: I find it interesting that most of the submissions against the spray, which were presented at a council meeting in December, 2010,  come from many different places over New Zealand.   I think the organization Poison Free New Zealand, and its co-ordinator Paul Cohen,  are conjointly  responsible for these far-reaching submissions.

The New Zealand Deer-Stalker ‘s Association has also spoken out strongly against the use of the poison Brodifacoum.

One submission against the Brodifacoum drop even comes from a Kiwi who is living in France. However, there is a  single voice which speaks out against the spray, which comes from the Whangaparoa Peninsula itself.

The major concerns of the people who oppose the aerial Brodifacoum drop are that:

Brodifacoum poses a major health risk to people, animals, birds and fish in the vicinity of the drop.

Brodifacoum poison is not selective, and will kill all creatures which ingest it.

Brodifacoum also poses a threat to the wider environment, as Brodifacoum, like DDT, gets into the food chain. It does not break down easily.

Brodifacoum is a rodenticide which is a common ingredient in rat and mice poisons.

Brodifacoum causes internal haemorrhages, and these haemorrhages cause death because of resultant heart failure, or respiratory failure. These outcomes are well documented. (Kirkwood et al 1994)

One submission states that the American Bird Conservancy have cited several studies which indicate that secondary poisonings are common. A secondary poisoning is when poisoning occurs from eating flesh of an animal already contaminated with a poison, such as Brodifacoum.

The American Bird Conservancy believes that the poison Brodifacoum could be dispersed by insects which are not affected by Brodifacoum, but which harbour the pesticide within and outside their bodies. Thus insects could be carriers of the poisoned bait.

In the New Zealand Herald today and yesterday, we have been given beautiful posters of the birds of the Hauraki Gulf. This can’t be concidence, methinks. The Brodifacoum drop is about to begin:

The promotions of council so far have failed to tell us about the poisoning due to happen at Shakespear Park. Their intentions to drop 30 tonnes of Brodifacoum is being played down, and instead of warnings about the imminent poisoning, we get given these lovely posters.

One advertisement I read on a local bus just over a week ago asked for donations to protect our Shakspear Park and its birds……It gave the impression that the Auckland City Council were doing everything to look after our precious park. No mention on this ad that they are about to poison the area with rodenticide which will harm the very birds that they say they are trying to protect.

Presumably, donations received to the Auckland City Council will actually be paying for this dreadful carnage.

One writer has said that Brodifacoum has been detected in a range of game animals further up the food chain, for example, in pigs and deer, and goats, which will make the eating of wild animals unsafe.  This is one reason that the New Zealand Deer Stalker’s Association have objected to the Brodifacoum drop.

But Brodifacoum has also been found to affect bird life. The New Zealand native avian species affected is large: The list includes weka, moreportk, black billed gull, saddleback,and New Zealand robin. Imported species such as chaffinch, mynah, magpie and blackbird are also vulnerable. (Eason et al 2001)

After the Rangitoto drop of Brodifacoum, thousands of pilchards died, all in the same time frame. Our authorities have declared that there is no relationship to the poison used on Rangitoto, as they said they did not find significant amounts of Brodifacoum in the fish.

However,  just because scientist cannot find traces of the poison, this is no proof that the fish have not suffered a toxic reaction:  It is now an established fact that some species will have adverse reactions to some poisons from exposure to miniscule amounts which cannot even be detected: This has been shown with bees, in studies which have determined the cause of bee colony collapse disorder as being exposure to miniscule amounts of nicotinoid substances which did not even show up under scientific investigation.

The reality is that all birds, all animals in the area will be affected in the long term And so will people.

People who live in the area are likely to suffer sore, burning eyes, and skin rashes in some cases. But, since Brodifacoum gets into the food chain, the long-term and wide scope of its effect cannot be underestimated. Its effects will be far reaching.

The US EPA Rodenticide Mitigation Decision of May 2008 clearly classifies Brodifacoum as a ‘PERSISTENT ORGANIC COMPOUND’ (POC).

The effect of using Persistent Organic Compounds, according to this American report,  is that they “bio-accumulate along terrestrial food chains”.  It states that “repeated use of POC’s, including second generation anticoagulants, is unwise and discouraged”.

The effects of Brodifacoum have been equated to the effects of DDT,another POC which has a damaging effect on the health, and  a long-lasting effect in the environment and the food chain.

(see US EPA Rodenticide Mitigation Decision, May, 2008)

Shop-Bought Comfrey Is Ruined Medicinally, And Is Inedible

Natural Remedy Gone Wrong

The old, traditional comfrey with a broad leaf was a great healer, and it was edible.  Recently, I have tried eating a shop-bought, genetically modified comfrey, which I now have in my garden, adding a small leaf of it to a mound of silver-beet, just as I used to do in the old days.  It gave me a mild stomach-ache for several days.

This new comfrey is dry, compared to the old, healing comfrey, which dripped with silica-rich mucilage when you broke off a stem.  Modern comfrey has almost no silica-containing mucilage.

Shop-bought comfrey is recommended by plant shops as a companion plant to fruit trees, especially apple trees, and for this purpose, modern comfrey will still be useful, since the roots help break up clay soils, and bring up nutrients for the apple roots to feed on.  Shop-bought comfrey is still not as good for this purpose as the tradional comfrey, though, because of the devitalized nature of this modern comfrey.

In the 1990’s, traditional, healing comfrey was banned in New Zealand and all over the western world where the reign of the big agri-chemical companies over agriculture was taking off.  These giants began to get governments on board with this comfrey ban, and also their campaign for promoting Round-Up, which contains glyphosate, a probable cancer-causer, according to WHO. Councils all over the world have been encouraged to erradicate comfrey, and use this toxic herbicide, which, conveniently for Monsanto, works alongside their genetically modified plants and seeds without destroying them.

I heard on Radio NZ National news two weeks ago that the amount of glyphosate found in our foods has increased 500 times since 1994, which was when Monsanto’s RoundUp-Ready seeds were introduced into agriculture.

The reason comfrey was banned, our health authorities said, was that comfrey had caused cancer in pigs, due to the high allantoin content, a cell-proliferant.  I wonder – did the researchers feed only comfrey to pigs over several months in order to make them sick?  Or did they invent this pig cancer as a reason to rid the world of one of its most powerful healing remedies?

This allantoin, which has been removed in genetically modified comfrey, is the magic ingredient in traditional comfrey which made comfrey an excellent remedy for burns, abrasions, bruises, intestinal irritations, cancer, arthritis, asthma, or just about any complaint you could think of.

Traditional comfrey is also very high in silica, which is another great healing agent.

But modern, shop-bought comfrey was genetically modified to deliberately remove the healing allantoin, and also the high silica content, a  project which I am sure the pharmaceutical companies would have supported.  Nowadays, medicinal comfrey can only be bought through medical-pharmaceutical channels.

Modern, genetically modified comfrey is marketed as an improved species because it does not self-seed and spread. which the old comfrey was inclined to do. although, really, it never was a problem in my gardens.

Soil and Health did an article on this subject of this genetically modified comfrey in the early 2000’s, when suddenly we found that comfrey was available once more in the plant shops.  They found that the allantoin had been removed, and that the silica content had been greatly reduced.

Banning comfrey was a very clever move, in order to gain the market for a comfrey which people were duped into believing was still a healing plant, and one which now would not spread.  But modern comfrey has sadly been ruined as far as any medicinal use goes.

Banning comfrey for a few years, and getting government agencies to destroy any comfrey growing in wild places, and forbidding people to have it in their gardens, meant that the old, traditional,  healing comfrey died out, leaving the market path open for whatever clever and unscrupulous agriculture corporation was responsible, to introduce their ‘better’ variety of comfrey. and make us pay for it.

I also suspect, and I really hope I am wrong, that the genetically modified comfrey has been bred to cross-pollinate with natural, traditional comfrey and dominate it, so that the new plant will be the genetically modified variety.  I was sure I had traditional comfrey in my garden, but now all the plants look the same.  They are a genetically modified variety.

I would advise not to eat comfrey any more, unless you are sure you have the tradional, broad-leafed, healing comfrey.  I am sure that the agri-companies have stepped up an ingredient in genetically modified comfrey to make it inedible.

And as far as using shop-bought comfrey as a healing herb, I think you might just as well use grass.  Although the agri-chemical companies have been tampering with this also for many years.