Breast Cancer: Alternative Treatment
I have just come across another imortant book which backs the idea that cancer can be treated naturally. This book is a testimony to the powerful effects of using intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy to treat cancer: Pam Stevens is living proof that this treatment can work.
This book is a 2007 edition of a book called ‘Breast Cancer’, ‘Why Women Are Dying Needlessly’, by Pam Stevens who is a New Zealand woman. On the front cover, it says also: “A must read for every New Zealand woman.” This is published by PMS Publications, 92 Albany Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
In this wonderfully informative book on breast cancer, Pam describes the conventional treatments which she used to begin with, how the cancer, which was particularly invasive and aggressive, continued to grow, and goes on to describe how she finally managed to beat the cancer with intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy, as well as her multivitamins.
She attributes her survival in the first stages of the disease, after the surgery, and during the time she was taking Tamoxifen, to the fact that she had put herself on high quality mineral and vitamin supplements.
As stated earlier, Pam had a very invasive and aggressive type of breast cancer. Even so, she decided not to have the lymph nodes removed with the breast, as she had read that sometimes this was not necessary. She also refused chemotherapy and radiation treatment because of their reputed harmful effects on the body. She had read that radiation is one known cause of cancer, and was dubious about the side effects of chemotherapy as well.
Doctor Anne Wigmore wrote about the dangers of radiation treatment and chemotherapy in her book which told of her natural method of cancer cure. Dr Max Gerson, in the 1950’s recognized that radiation therapy and chemotherapy dramatically reduced the chances of recovery in his patients: He had observed that cancer patients who had had these treatments did not recover, whereas the people with cancer who had avoided these treatments had a very good chance of recovery using his alternative treatment for cancer.
Dr Anne Wigmore had refused to have either radiation or chemotherapy and decided to treat her own breast cancer through diet and detoxification. Doctor Anne Wigmore, like Pam Stevens, also lived to tell the tale about her recovery from cancer using natural means: Dr Anne Wigmore did not use intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy, but instead used copious amounts of wheat grass juice and other antioxidant vegetables and fruits, which contain large amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants.
Merrilyn’s new book is out on Amazon:

Pam Stevens was prescribed Tamoxifen, which she took for a year after the operation. She had been prescribed Tamoxifen as an alternative to chemotherapy, and had gratefully accepted it as an alternative at the time. However, she suffered very distressing side effects during the year that she took this medication, which included eye problems. After reading a list of the side effects of Tamoxifen, she decided to stop taking it:
Side Effects of Tamoxifen:
Tamoxifen can cause strokes, blood clots in the lungs, unusual bleeding, poor vision, and depression, along with a myriad of other health complaints.
Tamoxifen Can Cause Cancer: However, the worst effects of Tamoxifen are that it can cause liver cancer, and also cancer of the ovaries, cancer of the uterus, and cancer of the breast………So this medicine which is being used to treat most cases of breast cancer can actually CAUSE cancer too. Like radiation.
Multivitamins Helped: During the period of taking Tamoxifen, and after she stopped taking it, Pam was still taking her high grade multivitamin supplements.
Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy: Pam’s discovery of Vitamin C therapy for cancer was the thing which saved her life. Intravenous Vitamin C as chemotherapy has resulted in a cure of her cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or drugs.
She began taking 30 grams, which is 30,000mg of ascorbate. I think that this was taken twice weekly, as the increased dose she describes was taken twice weekly.
The Vitamin C was increased very soon to 50,000mg of ascorbate, taken twice weekly.This was kept up for a year, then the dose was reduced to a single weekly dose. Pam describes how her blood plasma dropped after five weeks of the lowered dose, so the Vitamin C was slightly increased again to compensate.
Even after only five months of the intravenous Vitamin C treatment, Pam was showing marked signs of improvement. The secondary growths which had been observed on her bones had completely gone when a whole body bone scan was taken. However, the Vitamin C was increased again when a new lump was noticed on her chest wall. This increased dose was 75000mg. Apparently, according to Pam, the desired blood plasma reading is 400 mg/dl and that recommendation for the therapeutic dose was what she tried to achieve.
Pam reports that others in the clinic she attended were recovering using the intravenous Vitamin C, but that those who had chemotherapy or radiation therapy, were not doing so well. Dr Max Gerson refused to treat people with his alternative cancer methods if they had had chemotherapy or radiation.
Why Isn’t Vitamin C Given As a Standard Treatment For Cancer?
Pam asks this question in her book and discusses things like drug companies making profit from the medicines which are marketed to treat disease. She discusses the awareness programmes for cancer which are promoted by drug compnies, and questions why these drugs are being used to the exclusion of other treatments which work, such as Intravenous Vitamin C as Chemotherapy.
The very same drug companies who are marketing cancer causing drugs such as Tamoxifen are often behind the ‘cancer awareness’ programmes.
Pam had ceased taking Tamoxifen after a year because of side effects she was experiencing, and she did not think that it was improving her health. Note: Tamoxifen has been declared a carcenogen by The World Health organisation, along with about 70 other chemicals, a quarter of which are used in pharmaceuticals. This was back in 1996, but still Tamoxifen continues to be used.
Pam eventually totally recovered by taking intravenous Vitamin C as chemotherapy over a period of at least a year.
Mammograms Can Cause Cancer: Pam discusses the issue of mammograms and points out that they increase the radiation which is accumulated in the body. Radiation is known to cause cancer. She also believes that the squeezing process which occurs during a mammogram is harmful, especially to someone who may have cancer, as the squeezing of the mammary glands could actually spread the cancer about and transfer it to other sites.
To give you some more ideas on alternative treatments for cancer, read my post:
As an MD trained in conventional allopathic medicine, I have become progressively dismayed at the ever-increasing numbers of patients falling to cancer & other diseases, especially at younger ages. For the past 10 years I have studied and trained in functional-integrative medicine, a researched based paradigm designed to prevent and treat medical problems upstream. This takes a “causative” approach at the cellular level rather than a downstream “reactionary” approach by conventional medicine.
Those physicians who want to dismiss this new school of medicine are unfortunately doing their patients a great diservice by ignoring the research and clinical studies that are now rapidly gaining credibility…(to the disdain of the pharmaceutical industries).
I would like to refer readers to 2 books by reputable medical doctors/researchers that have great references and studies;
-“Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Cancer Care and Prevention” ..foundations & Evidence-based interventions Marc S. Micozzi, MD, phD
-“Curing the incurable” Vitamin C. infectious diseases and Toxins Thomas E.Levy MD
Also there is a preventative bias in my book on men’s health but it is the books above that require some acknowledgement
Robert corish MD
Fantastic – Thankyou Doctor Robert for your comment. This is truly great to have your informed opinion on cancer treatment and the causative approach. I am sure readers will be well advised to read these books which you recommend.
Regards, and thanks, Merrilyn.