Hair Dyes And Nail Polish Linked To Cancer

Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics Can Cause Cancer:

Hair dyes are extremely bad for you. Many hair dyes contain harmful chemicals which are known to be carcenogenic.

Apart from making the hair fall out over time, and hair growth to diminish, hair dye can contribute to states of cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s  and other degenerative disease. Jacqui Davison, who recovered from melanoma using diet and purgatives, confirms that hair dye and nail polish contributed to her cancerous condition. The origin of the cancer was found to come from under a toenail which she had always kept painted with nail polish. If you have cancer, then hair dye and nail polish should be  the first chemical pollutants to be struck off the list, and cleansing should begin immediately.

Nail polish is also very bad for you, because, like hair dye, the chemicals are absorbed through the body tissues, skin and nails, into the blood stream. Even when the polish has dried, formaldehyde and other chemicals continue to be absorbed through the nail tissue. These chemicals then collect in the liver where they remain stored unless you regularly cleanse the liver by either fasting, using enemas, eating raw foods, or taking some purgative like castor oil, which helps eliminate these toxins from the body.

The build-up in the liver for most people  might include  a mix of hair dye, nail polish chemicals, make-up chemicals, food additives, household cleansers, fly spray, garden chemicals, and  agricultural pesticides and herbicides. This is surely a dangerous situation for the health.

Hair dye, because of its colour,  can be easily detected in the bowel motions when it is expelled through the use of a purgative and fasting. Jacqui Davison and others confirm that hair dye was expelled in the first few weeks of cleansing after using castor oil to detoxify. Jacqui, who had been given only days to live before she began the Gerson approach to recovery, says in her book that she had used hair dye for years, as well as nail polish. She was horrified to see just how much had been stored in her liver.

The liver suffers with the use of commercial hair dyes, but so do the eyes and the sinuses. Even in the weeks following dye treatment, fumes from the dye are emitted which affect these organs. Vision can be impaired by the regular use of hair dyes.

If you want to prevent cancer, or are treating it or another degenerative disease like arthritis, then you will stop using hair dye and nail polish forever and begin ridding the body of its accumulated toxins.

N.B. – HENNA is SAFE to use.

Henna powder, which is derived from a plant, is NOT toxic and is the only hair dye which you can safely use, in my opinion. You must be sure to get the raw henna powder with no additives. There are some products which have chemicals as well as natural henna, or other natural hair dye added, but these products should be avoided, as very often the added chemicals pose a danger to your health.  Powdered, natural henna is safe.

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