Glyphosate In RoundUp Banned In Holland

Dutch Government Bans Over The Counter Sales Of Glyphosphates, Including RoundUp.

Mexico and Russia have already banned Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’ herbicide, and other Glyphosphate products.  France and Brazil are also planning to follow in the footsteps of Mexico, Russia and Holland, by banning Glyphosphates.

In Holland, the Party For The Animals has  been campaigning for a ban on glyphosphate-containing herbicides such as RoundUp, as well as neonicotinoid insecticides.  From the end of 2015, no more glyphosphates will be sold in garden centres in Holland for private use.

This move  to restrict the use of Glyphosphate-containing herbicides shows great promise for our future health. I hope that New Zealand will join the other countries which are about to follow suit with a RoundUp and Glyphosphate ban, as well as a Neonicotinoid ban.  However, what the world needs is a complete ban on such harmful poisons as Glyphosphate and Nicotinoids.

Nicotinoid poisons are used in many insecticides, and, like Glyphosphate, kill bees and other useful little insects, butterflies and moths.

These substances are a very great danger to our environment and to our health.  The extent of the damage is impossible to predict, but it is known for a fact that Neonicotinoid poisons are a primary cause of ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’.  Read my earlier post about ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’ and the relationship to Neonicotinoid poisons.

All chemical herbicides and insecticides are harmful to our own health, as well as the health of all animals, insects, birds, and trees, which inadvertantly affects the general health of the planet.

New Zealanders, generally speaking, are too trusting of the assurances of chemical and drug companies.  They use RoundUp and other dangerous herbicides and insecticides without any regard for their own health, or the health of the people who will be subjected to their toxic spraying procedures.  They believe that they must be safe, otherwise you would not be able to buy them. Wrong.

RoundUp, and other harmful Glyphosphate-containing products have been sold over the counter for years, in user-friendly packaging, with the assurance from the garden centre assistants that the stuff is pretty harmless.

My own family of farmers and orchardists have obstinately stuck for generations now, to the mistaken ideas that poisonous chemicals are necessary for food production, and that they do not pose a problem for our health at all. Meanwhile we watch family members succumbing to cancer, alzheimer’s, and mysterious fatal diseases of the nervous system.

Of course, the assurances given by the chemical and drug companies about the harmlessness of ‘RoundUp’ and other toxic chemicals is a fallacy.

RoundUp is surely a major poison in our environment, and is the cause of many on-going health problems, as well as degenerative diseases such as Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Osteoporosis and other diseases.

Glyphosphate in RoundUp can also cause mental and emotional troubles, such as depression, insomnia, and skin diseases. It also affects the eye-sight, as I have found.  Read my earlier post on RoundUp and Candida for more information about ill-health and RoundUp.

RoundUp is also killing off our valuable wild herbs called ‘weeds’, the very herbs which are needed by bees and other insects to stay healthy, and which serve as medicine for the soil itself,.

Monsanto and other chemical companies which make and profit from the sales of Glyphosphate herbicides have much accounting to do for their deliberately misleading blurbs about the innocuous effects of their product.  The situation is not too much different to the cigarette companies  who have mislead people about the ‘harmless’ effects of smoking for over a period of around 50 years or more.  Now we know for a fact that smoking is very dangerous for the life and health of the individual smoker, as well as the people nearby who inhale second-hand smoke.  As if we couldn’t tell without the evidence anyhow.

Crops Will Still Be Sprayed:  But still there is much work to be done, in Holland and elsewhere, as this law change and resulting restriction on Glyphosphate-RoundUp sales will only affect the common householder.  Farmers and orchardists, and councils and government bodies will still have the right to use Glyphosphate poisons where and when they choose.

The crops will still be sprayed, as will the grass verges around the towns and parks, and bushwalk reserves.

This is an unknown quantity, but even with the proposed ban on private Glyphosphate use, probably more than 75% overall of the current RoundUp or Glyphosphate usage will still be poured into our environments and onto our food crops.

We need an outright ban on all toxic chemicals used in agriculture,  not just on Glyphosphate and Neonicatinoids.  Sustainable, organic agriculture is the only way to go.

Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture

‘Sustainable Pulse’, is a website which is aimed at protecting the health of people, animals and planet.  It promotes organic systems of weed and insect control instead of chemical controls, and endeavours to increase awareness about the dangers of using toxic chemicals on our crops and in our environment.

Here is an excerpt from ‘Sustainable Pulse’ about the dangers of Glyphosphate, which is a component of commonly used RoundUp.  This was posted on 4th April, 2014.

‘Glyphosphate is increasingly associated with health problems such as infertility, birth defects, damage to the nervous system, Parkinson’s disease and several forms of cancer. In addition to health risks for humans, the usage of chemical pesticides can also lead to loss of biodiversity and difficulties with purifying drinking water.’

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Lip Cancer Healed With Vit C Garlic and Ledum

Alternative Treatment For Basal Cell Carcinoma

This alternative remedy for a type of skin cancer took some time and much concerted effort, but I recently healed a lip cancer with megadoses of Vitamin C, Garlic Oil and Homeopathic Ledum.

The lip developed a major hole around October last year – 2013. A lot of RoundUp herbicide, which contains glyphosphate, was being sprayed around the flats where I lived, and about the town on all the grass verges. Spraying seemed to occur every two to three weeks. This stuff always affects my health adversely.

This was also a time, the beginning of spring, when I was doing a lot of gardening, and using commercial potting mix and so-called organic fertilizer.

The hole just would not go away, no matter how I kept it out of the sun, and no matter what sort of healing balms I applied.

I did notice that each time I went near the bags of organic fertilizer, and the pots which already had new potting mix in them, my lip became inflamed and sore.  I could feel the lip tingling in objection to my gardening materials.  It was also worse each time the glyphosphates was applied onto the grass near my flat.

So – I gave away all the organic fertilizer I had on hand, and moved my pots well away from the house.  That helped for a start.  I ALWAYS wore a sunhat and even a scarf, while the lip was not healing.  This went on for months, with several trips to the doctor to get a diagnosis and several prescriptions which had no good effect at all.

I was lined up to get a biopsy done at the hospital.  This has been done, a year later,  after I had healed it through natural treatments. The results show I have some basal cell carcinomas.

Now I know what works on this type of cancer, I will make the effort again to heal the other spots on my legs, arms and back.  These areas got much better while I was practicing my healing methods, but once the lip healed, I relaxed my efforts and so the other areas have worsened again.

This carcinoma has appeared on areas which have had excessive exposure to sun over the years, with the result that the skin is damaged.

How I Cured Basal Cell Carcinoma On The Lip

Vitamin C: Between 6000mg and 10,000 mg of non-acidic Vitamin C were taken each day.  I used whatever deals were cheapest – calcium ascorbate tablets of 1000mg – and ester C powder.  I took a tablet or two every two or three hours through the day.

This dosage was kept up for three to four weeks.  Then, on seeing how the carcinoma hole was getting smaller, with scar tissue showing on the edges, I reduced the dosage slowly to around half the original dose.

Then, around another month on, I reduced the dose to just a couple of 1000mg tablets per day, taken morning and night.  The Vitamin C treatment took around 3 months.

Garlic Oil:  This proved to be very effective, taken internally and also applied topically over the sore lip.  I bit a capsule open every few hours and applied the oil over the sore, then swallowed what was left of the capsule. I carried on applying garlic oil to the lip for around 3 months.

Homeopathic Ledum Cream:  Around twice or thrice a day in between the garlic oil applications, I applied homeopathic Ledum cream.  This had a wonderful soothing and healing effect. Right away you could feel the coolness of the Ledum, and the therapeutic effect it was having on the skin.

I continued the Ledum treatment for around 3 months, by which time the lip was healed.

Castor Oil: I took castor oil around once a week, to clear away toxins from the liver and intestines. Castor oil also has a healing effect on all parts of the body, as it seeps through to all body cells and helps to distribute nutrients. So that – combined with the neutralizing effect on toxins, and its cleansing effect, it is a remarkable healing agent.

Cut Out Wheat Milk and Sugar:  These were all eliminated from the diet whilst I was healing the lip. Instead, plenty of greens, soy milk, good quality protein and oatmeal porridge with grated raw apple formed the basis of the diet.  I allowed myself one good cup of brewed coffee per day, but took great care not to get the hot cup near my lip.  Heat on the lip was the worst thing, I found, so I reduced my hot drinks and used a straw to drink my coffee.

Homeopathic Thuja and Arsen Alb.  I used both these remedies for periods, using one remedy at a time.  Mainly, I used homeopathic Arsen Alb, as this remedy seems to work well for me as an immune-booster.  Whenever I feel a dose of flu or a cold coming on, I take Arsen Alb right away, and the flu is either avoided completely, or abated.

After a week or so on Arsen Alb, taking a few drops two or three times a day, I would switch to Thuja instead, and take that for a few days.  Thuja has a remarkable affect on the body by helping to neutralize poisons such as RoundUp and other herbicides and insecticides.  It is also good for the side-effects of vaccination.

Grated Raw Apple:  As well as the grated raw apple, eaten with a bowl of oatmeal porridge each morning, I ate one or two raw apples, grated before lunch and dinner.  Occasionally, I missed out on the lunch-time apple, but I always made sure I had raw apple at dinner-time. Altogether, I ate around 4 to 6 raw apples per day.

Dr Max Gerson used raw apple with oatmeal porridge in his famous cancer treatment.  He also used castor oil as part of his treatment, 2 tbsps taken every second morning, followed by a cup of black coffee.  I reduced the castor oil dosage this time, for the lip carcinoma, although I have strictly followed Gerson’s  castor oil method in the past, for healing a breast lump.