Aluminium And Your Brain


Aluminium is not needed as a supplement, although it is found naturally in our bodies. The problem with aluminium is that we tend to have a surplus of it rather than a deficiency.
Aluminium destroys vitamins and minerals in our food and hinders the absorption of nutrients in the body.
Too much aluminium in the body causes many health problems: It has long been suspected that aluminium build-up in the body could be the cause of serious diseases such as alzheimer’s and senility, as aluminium builds up in the brain, along with other toxins.  Arthritis, cancer and osteoporosis are just some of the other diseases which some think are attributable to aluminium toxicity.
Aluminium excess can cause fat to build up in the kidneys and liver.
It can also cause numbness in the limbs with pain and pins and needles in various muscles, especially in elderly folk.
Aluminium also affects your quality of sleep. Women in a study who took more than 1000 milligrams of aluminium daily,  over a period of time, slept less well than those women who took only 300 milligrams per day.

Aluminium build-up in the body and brain is hard to avoid, because it is used widely in food processing: it is sometimes used as a softening agent in the processing of cheese,and in the whitening of flour.

It is used as a free-flowing agent in common salt: A compound
called sodium aluminium silicate is added to salt to help stop it becoming damp and sticky in wet or humid weather.
It is used in some self-raising flour and baking powders.
It is also used in stomach antacid preparations: one teaspoon of some antacid powders can contain up to 250 milligrams
of aluminium. Aluminium which is used in antacid stomach powders has been shown to cause the rapid development of diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and weakened muscles in older people.
Other medicinal preparations which may contain aluminium are: buffered aspirin, antidiarrhea medicines, douches, and some  haemorrhoid pessaries and creams.
Aluminium is also found in many under arm deodorants.It is found in some hair dyes, face creams and other cosmetics.
These products are just as harmful as antacid powder, as the
aluminium is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin and into the blood stream and soft tissues of the body;
This includes the brain.

You may be ingesting an unknown quantity of aluminium into your blood stream through drinking water from the city water
system. Amounts seem to be higher in summer time for some reason. This is probably because of the use of
water-treatment chemicals, one of which is aluminium: In the summer time, more chemicals would be needed to keep the
water bacteria-free than in the winter time. In the winter, most germs go into hibernation, hence less chemicals would
be utilized in water treatment stations during cold parts of the year. Whatever the reason, it is a good idea to filter
your water, at all times of the year, to remove it of impurities:
A reverse-osmosis filter system is recommended to remove aluminium from your water supply, as activated carbon
filters are thought to be ineffective on aluminium.

Fluoride and Aluminium:
It is probable that fluoridated water may increase the aluminium content drawn from water pipes and cooking vessels.
Cooking food using fluoridated water with an aluminium cooking pot produced 1000 times more aluminium in the food
compared to the same experiment done whereby unfluoridated water was used with an aluminium cooking pot.


Aluminium cooking pots, which were once the rage, and which are still manufactured cheaply today despite the growing
awareness of the danger of aluminium in food, are another cause of aluminium building up in the body and the brain.
Cooking acid fruits like rhubarb and apples in aluminium is especially bad, as their acids cause much aluminium
to be leached out into these fruits as they cook.
Even potatoes, which contain quite a lot of Vitamin C and iron, are contaminated by the use of an aluminium pot to
cook them in.A simple experiment can be done whereby you leave the potatoes in the pot after they have cooked. Before
too long, you will see that they become extremely discoloured and blackened by the aluminium effect on them.


You can reduce your aluminium build-ups in the body and the brain by taking Ester C, or another non-acidic form of
Vitamin C such as calcium ascorbate. Dose will vary on your body build and the amount of toxicity you are enduring.
Anything from 1000 mg per day to 3000 mg per day, in divided doses, is useful in ridding the body of aluminium and
other chemicals.
Other antioxicants such as Vitamin E will also help reduce poisons from the body.Eating oily fish several times a week,
or daily if you can, is helpful in reducing toxins, including metals, in the body.
Alzheimer’s is a major health concern for people today, both old and young.
It is the fourth major killer of people in America today. You can reduce the chances of getting this
and other degenerative disease by taking care to avoid products which contain aluminium, and by taking measures such as
those recommended above, which will help you eliminate aluminium from your body and abrain.
Castor oil is very effective in removing metals like aluminium and lead deposits from the body and brain: If you take
castor oil, take 2 tablespoons followed by a cup of black coffee, or chamomile tea. Take a bowel rinse within 5 hours.
A fast of raw fruits and vegetables for a day or two or more can help reduce aluminium and other chemicals in the body.
Note: Do ask your health professional about doing this if you are debilitated in any way or have some sickness. Again,
it is advised that you follow up the fast with a colonic cleanse or bowel wash after three days of a fruit fast.