Gluten Free Lemon Cheese Cake

Wheatless Lemon Ricotta Cake

This cake is a delicious rich one which has a wonderful lemony zesty twang to it. And this recipe is entirely gluten free which makes it a suitable treat for all those wheat and gluten sensitive people.

It is a version of the Lemon Ricotta Cake which comes from Sardinia in Italy.

Here are the ingredients which you will need:

1/2 cup of besan flour, or chick pea flour

1/2 cup of arrowroot flour

1/2 cup of fine yellow cornmeal

1 and a 1/2 teaspoons of Baking Powder

6 tablespoons of butter

3/4 cup caster sugar

1/2 cup ricotta cheese

3 organic free range eggs – Separated

Grated rind of one nice lemon

3 tablespoons of lemon juice

Method:  Line the bottom of your baking dish with greased paper, or the butter wrapping which your butter comes in.  Use a 9 inch round cake tin, or alternatively, a similar sized pyrex dish, which is an oven-proof type of glass.

Sprinkle a little arrowroot flour over the greased paper.

Cream together your butter and sugar.  Then add the ricotta cheese.  Mix well, then add the egg yolks one at a time.

Now put the 1/2 cup of besan flour into your mixture with the lemon juice and zest of lemon.  Beat this very well until all the lumps in the flour have disappeared.  In another bowl, stir in  the baking powder to the arrowroot and cornmeal flours and add this to your  cake mixture also.

In another  clean bowl beat up your egg whites until they form soft peaks.  You can add a pinch of salt to help them firm up.   It also helps if your eggs are at room temperature rather than taken straight out of the fridge.

Add your beaten egg whites to your lemon cake mix.  Fold them in gently.  Pour the whole into your prepared greased dish or tin.

Bake at 350 F for around 3/4 of an hour, or until the cake is firm when tested with a skewer.  Let the cake sit for 10 minutes to cool before you turn it out of the tin.

The cake can be iced, or simply dusted with icing sugar.

Alternatives To Vaccination In New Zealand

The Pressure Is On For Children To Be Vaccinated in New Zealand.

Vaccination in New Zealand should not become compulsory.

Recently, many children were banned from Oratia Primary School because they had not been vaccinated. Around a fifth of the school children have not have vaccinations, because their parents believe that vaccinations may be harmful. The fact that the children were not vaccinated was described as a ‘life-style choice’, which I think is a bit derogatory, since it implies that the parents might be lazy, or might be doing absolutely nothing to substitute the vaccine.  This is not the case, I am sure that you will find.  Many of these parents will be using the Homeopathic alternatives. Many  of these parents will have seriously examined the statistics on drug and vaccine use, and these statistics are not always convincing in the favour of vaccines and other medications.

These children at Oratia, who have not had vaccinations, have been forbidden to return to school until some time in July, which means they will have had around 6 weeks off school because of the school ruling.

Vaccination, called ‘Immunisation’, is something which really should be questioned. (Read merrilyn’s later posts – one entitled Vaccination Linked To Obesity New Study Suggests)

Personally, I  think that vaccination or immunisation of any kind seriously undermines the immune system, giving the individual a higher risk of chronic disease later in life.  I decided to avoid all innoculations, vaccines, and immunisations for my four children, because my eldest became suddenly very sick after being given the standard measles mumps whooping cough innoculations. He was also exposed to 245T, but that was at a later date, after the adverse reaction to the immunisation injection.  After having an injection at 3 months old, he experienced general swelling, eczema, digestive problems, and spent days, if not weeks, crying from the discomfort.  He became very restless at night.  By the time he seemed to have recovered, he was almost 6 months old – time for the second shot of vaccination.  The same problems occurred all over again.  After the second dose, at 6 months, I decided I would not be bullied any more into giving any of my children innoculations or vaccinations of any kind.  I would use Homeopathic medicine, and Vitamins and Minerals, and Colour Therapy, and Diet, to combat all ills instead.

Find Out About The Alternatives To Vaccination:  Homeopathy offers alternatives to vaccination. Personally, I found Homeopathic Remedies to be very effective in combatting childhood illnesses and infections.  I did not even use Tetanus shots for my children, as I discovered that there are several good remedies for Tetanus.  The remedy which I used instead of a Tetanus shot was homeopathic Ledum.  And I discovered several homeopathic remedies which were effective for Whooping cough: Sometimes we had Whooping Cough epidemics, and it was necessary to have some remedy to counteract this.  The Homeopathic remedy which I found most effective in preventing Whooping Cough was  Homeopathic Drosera.

I recommend people to read Susan K. Claridge’s book “Investigate Before You Vaccinate:  Making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand”. This well researched manual is by  Susan K. Claridge.  This book is published by “The Immunisation Awareness Society Inc.”, P.O. Box 56-048, Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand.

Vaccination is NOT Immunisation:  Just because you have had a vaccination for a disease, you are not necessarily going to be protected from succumbing to that disease.  Sometimes people get an exceptionally strong dose of the disease soon after they have had the ‘immunisation’, or vaccination shot.

Vaccinations Weaken Your Immunity:

Vaccinations, or ‘Immunisations’ may give you a higher risk of getting cancer, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and other serious chronic afflictions in later life.

Vaccinations May Cause Brain Damage In Some Cases: Many parents believe that their children have been brain damaged after having had vaccinations. Asperges Syndrome has presented itself in some children, after they have had vaccinations.  A leading doctor in America wrote papers on his findings in the 1990’s, which the Lancet, and other medical journals published.  However, just lately, there has been a big push by drug companies, and many doctors, for vaccinations to become accepted world wide.  And so a new study  which supports immunisation has been done, most likely by doctors working for the drug companies who want their drug and immunisation sales to increase, and this study has been published by the Lancet. This recent ‘research’  refutes the claims of the 1990’s  doctors who reported that immunisation was a danger to children’s health.

The Fact Is That If You Suppress The Common Infections, Such As Mumps, Measles, and Chicken Pox, Other Diseases Will Rise Up To Take Their Place.

Measles and Mumps Have a Purpose:

It is a natural course of events for children to succumb to the common infections such as measles and mumps and chicken pox when they are little.  My Mum always used to say that these infections were never as bad if a child caught them under the age of five., whereas after the age of five, the children were often quite sick.

Most children survive these illnesses without any complications or adverse effects, however, a few children do suffer complications because of measles, chicken pox or mumps.  But for most children, their immune systems became stronger through having these illnesses, and so their  strengthened immune systems are made strong enough to prevent them from ever having these illnesses again in the life.

Do not accept what the Drug Companies and Most Doctors Tell You Without Question: How many times have things been promoted by drug companies, given out willy nilly by doctors, only to have it revealed later that the product has been found to be harmful in some way?  At this stage, these harmful  drugs are removed from the market.  The same thing happens with chemicals.  Ivan Watkins Dow happily told us in New Zealand that there was no proof that 245T was harmful to people, and so they continued to make it here in New Zealand, and sold to farmers here,  even after the rest of the world had banned the stuff.

While there is money to be made from selling chemicals, drugs, including vaccination or innoculation material, you simply cannot believe that what the medical authorities tell us about immunisation.  So called research is being done every day by drug companies, in an attempt to sell their stuff to the world.  Drug companies would just love to have vaccination made compulsory all over the world, as this would mean huge riches for them.

I believe that the drive for Immunisation, for people to be vaccinated world-wide, is not so much because drug companies really believe that all illnesses will be eradicated by vaccination, but because they see the potential profit in having world-wide sales.

Immunisation is an easy thing to sell. Only, you cannot wipe out all illnesses through vaccination: By eradicating the common childhood infections, other, even worse conditions will  probably arise.  So  while people continue to believe that vaccination is the answer to illness, the drug companies will still have a ready market, because even if they succeed in making their vaccinations mandatory,  there will be plenty of cancer victims around for them to sell their cancer products to in the years to come.

Cancer Risk From Cellphones And Electromagnetic Bombardment

Health Risks From Using CellPhones and Cordless Telephones
An international study into cellphones and cordless phones has shown that cell phones and cordless phones  ‘are possibly carcenogenic’, says an article in New Zealand Herald, June 2nd 2011.  But haven’t we heard this before?

The World Health Organization has recently met with 31 scientists.  Their conclusions were that ‘radio-frequency magnetic fields from wireless phones were “possibly carcinogenic” to users’, according to the Herald article.  This information was sourced via the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

The Degree of Harm of Cell-phones has conveniently been rated at a lower level 2B, which is ‘Possibly Carcinogenic”.  The other items in the 2B list are:   gasoline, carpentry, and pickled vegetables and coffee, of all things.   These last two food items have been cleverly added to the list, I feel,  to minimize the worry about cell phones. The addition of pickled vegetables and coffee  to the risk-list would put the cell phone risk into a fairly harmless kind of a category:  Of course, most of us drink coffee, and Sauerkraut pickled cabbage has been considered a health food for centuries.

But this is absolute nonsense to categorize cell phone risk with, say, sauerkraut and coffee.  These last two are natural food items. There is nothing natural about the cell phone:  ts forces are decidedly  harmful and deleterious to human health, all animal life, and the general environment.

I wonder just who these WHO scientists work for, and what the driving force is behind the World Health Organization, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. WHO  is the same outfit which, about a year ago,  approved  scarves doused in insecticide for the purpose of keeping tea plantation workers free of mosquitoes and other mites.  The unsuspecting tea workers were to wear these pesticide-soaked scarves about their necks, on their skin.  All chemical insecticides are harmful to humans, just as they kill mosquitoes, as I am sure the consulting doctors of WHO are  very much aware.

Most  pesticides and herbicides are carcenogenic, and yet the WHO authorities approved the marketing of these pesticide scarves for the tea workers.  Some chemical factory, somewhere in the world, will have gained profit from the sale of these chemical scarves to Sri Lanka, even if the WHO supplied them. (? I think it was Sri Lanka)

Is this minimizing of the effects of cell phones just another case like the cigarette smoking scam, where doctors were paid to endorse particular brands of cigarettes.  Maybe – See the movie ‘Thankyou For Smoking’ with Aaron Erhardt. A very funny movie, but with the truth so obvious, it almost hurts….

Doctors in the old days when television began, were shown on American television, smoking their hearts out.  “There is no evidence to show that smoking damages your health” one doctor said to the cameras, as he puffed on his fag whilst sitting at his desk in his surgery.

An increased risk of glioma, which is a type of brain cancer, was acknowledged at this WHO meeting, although it was decided that evidence was ‘considered limited’ for glioma and acoustic neuroma being related to cellphone and cordless phone usage.  So what does this mean? – Effectively, that although cellphones and cordless phones were shown to increase the risk of glioma brain cancer, the authorities are choosing to ignore it.

We have all known about the cancer risk-cell phone link for some years now.  What do these scientists need to establish that this is the case?  There must be thousands of case studies to show that people who have used cell phones extensively over a period of time have developed cancer and other disease.  I personally know several people who have had cancer of the ear as a result of using a cell phone.  And yet, the WHO specialists STILL choose to ignore the evidence,  whilst pretending concern.

An example of this feigned concern and innocence seems to be expressed in the statement which comes from Dr Jonathan Samet from the University of California, who is the head of the ‘International Agency for Research on Cancer’ itself.  He has said:   “The conclusion means  that there could be some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cellphones and cancer risk”.  Have I a brain in my head?  Is the Pope a Catholic?

It has been known, almost since cell phones were invented, that they have the propensity to cause cancer.
This article on the recent WHO research is another fob-off., suggesting that researchers are really working earnestly on the issue of cancer and cell phones……Research  ‘points to cancer risk in wireless telephones’, quotes the newspaper, when actually this has been proved many years ago.  Why not come right out with it and say affirmatively that “Cell Phones and Wireless Phones CAN  and DO cause cancer”?  –  This article still leaves room for doubt, which is exactly the outcome which suits the makers and marketers of cellphones, and all those who profit from associated companies.

‘Research’ itself still benefits while there is any doubt on the issue of cancer and cell phones.  Keep the doubt at the forefront of the argument, and you will continue to get funded for research. Simple.

Professor Alistair Woodward, from the Auckland University school of population health, has indicated that ‘there’s no sign of a lung cancer (and smoking) story).  However, I suspect that there are similarities between cellphone research and cigarette research in that the marketers of both have kept information from the public.

Like the old cigarette scam – deny that there is any risk to health at all, for as long as you can.  Then, when pressed, say that “it is possible”, so that people are not alarmed sufficiently to cause sales to cease. Keep going with this defence until finally there is no doubt that you are beaten.
Radiation causes cancer, and so do the radiations from cell phones, especially when they are constantly being put up close to the ears, eyes, and brain.
But it is not simply the device  of the cell phone which is the danger to humankind.  The transmitting devices which proliferate the planet now, are causing massive disturbances to our environment, as well as to all life on the planet.
Satellites are used to transmit electromagnetic waves through the air.  If we could see this mish mash of invisible, but  immensely destructive electromagnetic lines which are constantly zapping the air and skies about us, we would be horrified, and compelled to do something about it.  But that is the thing – these electromagnetic waves are invisible, and so there is no real appreciation of the harm that they are doing, because ‘out of sight is out of mind’.
Even if you do not use a cellphone, you are at risk from the effect of cellphone radiation.  Of course, if you DO use a cellphone, then you will be drawing these harmful waves to yourself, which will make you even more vulnerable than if you do not operate a cell phone or cordless phone.
These lines of electromagnetic energies are like bands of fire.  They have the ability to irritate and burn, especially the eyes, ears and brain, which are particularly sensitive.  They have the power to run telecommunications systems, but they also have the power to destroy human and animal life.  Even if they do not cause cancer,  other degenerative disease, such as multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, or arthritis are more likely to occur when the body is exposed to radiations such as those from cellphones and other telecommunication technologies.   The risk to the nervous system is huge.
In my own experience, radiations from cellphone transmitters has been incredibly damaging to my immune system. I believe that they have a definite propensity to cause depression and obesity in people, well before cancer and other degenerative disease sets in.
I believe that mankind needs to get cracking and address the issue of invisible bombardment from telecommunication systems, which includes the use of cell phones.  This issue is almost as important as the need to rid the planet of all nuclear power plants and weaponry.

Note:  For the record, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has stated Degrees of Hrm:

1.  Causes cancer in humans (such as asbestos, tobacco smoking, ultraviolet radiation)

2A Probably Carcinogenic – Anabolic steroids, diesel engine exhaust, emissions from high temperature frying, shift-work which interferes with the body’s natural rhythms)

2B Possibly Carcinogenic:  Gasoline, coffee, pickled vegetables, carpentry, wireless phones and cell phones.

3.  Unclassified Cancer causers:  Fluorescent lighting, tea, chromium.

Note: Radiation fallout does not show its face here  as a carcinogen.  Nor does alcohol, which recent studies in Australia or New Zealand  have shown increases the risk of cancer. Nor do pesticides, or herbicides, many of which are proved as carcenogens.

Homeopathic Medicine Can Help Eyesight

Eyesight Problems

The Eyes Are The Barometer Of The Body, The Mirror Of The Soul.  The health of the nervous system is reflected in the eyes.  Eyes are the most sensitive part of the body, and so the condition and health of the eyes can tell you how strong and healthy the rest of your body is.  Eyes are the first thing affected if you are exposed to chemical pollutants of any kind.  People who are exposed to excessive amounts of radiation usually suffer blindness, even if they do not succumb right away to cancer.

Today is June 2nd 2011. I am pleased to say that my eyesight is recovering again, with the help of homeopathic medicine.  My eyesight has taken a bit of a beating the past few months, and this resulted in a sudden alarming condition which affected the vision in the left eye.

Well, there are several  factors which I think contributed towards the sudden deterioration:  For a start, I have been using the computer on almost a daily basis.  This is not good for anyone’s eyesight, and I think is even worse than watching TV for long periods, as the screen is so close to the face.

Radiation Damages Eyesight: The second thing which really affected my eyesight, and the general nervous system, was the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster:  Although i live in New Zealand, which many ‘experts’ say will not be affected by the nuclear fall-out from Japan for years and years, there WAS radioactive pollution which came here.  We had two clouds of it – the first arrived about the 20th march, around 10 days after the tsunami tragedy.  This lasted around 10 days again.  Then there was a break of around 10 days or so, and another burst of the pollution hit the Auckland area.  This affected the eyesight very profoundly, causing a blurring of the vision and very sore burning eyes.  These symptoms were accompanied by running nose, immense stabbing headache, nerve pains, painful bone pains, breathing difficulty, depression and lethargy.  Heart and circulation were also affected.

I stayed inside as much as possible during these periods, and refrained from drinking tap water, milk and freshly picked green vegetables.

After the pollution left, I still had some of the symptoms.  Lungs still felt corroded, and the bone pains continued to a certain extent.  It was as if a virus had suddenly invaded my body and would not leave.  Then, I had a friend come to me from Spirit who literally said in my ear ‘Bryonia’.  Well, I have not kept remedies in the house for years now.  I find that i am sensitive to remedies, even as they sit in their bottles, especially if a few of them are kept together in a cupboard.  So I did not take the Bryonia right away.  Eventually, with several more messages to take homeopathic Bryonia, I went and bought this specific remedy.  As soon as I began to take it, all the uncomfortable and distressing symptoms of chest, lungs and heart disappeared. I continued the remedy for around three days and then discontinued, as the symptoms had all vanished.

The third major mishap which affected my eyesight was that the owners of my rental accommodation sprayed very toxic chemicals around the house. This came a couple of months after the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster of 11 March, 2011, just as I thought things were improving environmentally, at least.  These were pesticides to kill ants, and herbicides to kill weeds.  Chemicals affect eyesight very badly – I believe everyone’s eyesight is damaged to some extent when herbicide and pesticide chemicals are used near to one’s house or work-place.

Insecticides and Pesticides  Damage Eyesight: These are designed to affect the nervous systems of insects and rodents, and so these chemicals will also affect the nervous systems of people.  Even though you do not physically ingest the chemical through food, as insects and rodents do, simply breathing it in from the air around you, and touching traces on surfaces of your house and clothing, your nervous system and its very vulnerable eyesight will be affected for the worse.

So – all symptoms of radiation sickness disappeared with Bryonia, except for the eyesight which was still not completely recovered.

As well as all the chemical pollutants coming my way, I had an ‘accident’ where I scraped my left eyeball with my nail – I attribute Saturn retrograde over my Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Libra to my propensity to physical and mental stress during this time:  Saturn will be retrograde until the 13th June, less than 2 weeks away.  Hooray…… At first, there seemed to be no apparent damage to the eyesight.  I thought nothing more about this.  Until….

Just less than 2 weeks ago, i awoke to find my eyesight impaired in the left eye.  A large black scar was right across the centre of my vision in this eye.  The other complaint with the left eye was a continual twitching of the eye lid.  I rested, and took dietary remedial measures.   A few days later, just as soon as it had appeared, the black scar disappeared.  But I awoke to find that it seemed to have exploded into many, many black dots which were all about the left side of the left eye.  The twitching of the eye muscles continued.

I did some research into homeopathic remedies.  I went over to the health Shop to purchase my chosen remedies.  The only remedy  on my list which they had for the eyes was called homeopathic Euphrasia 30c.  I took this one, and put my order in for several other remedies, which I will tell you about tomorrow.

Anyway – I immediately began taking the  homeopathic Euphrasia. It had the immediate effect of soothing the nerves.   The twitching of the eye lid stopped within about 12 hours of beginning taking the remedy.  The same day, in fact.  Whereas the eye had involuntarily twitched for about a week, it stopped after I began taking the Euphrasia, before the day was out. Three days later after taking Euphrasia and continuing it for three days,  my eye-sight is almost back to normal.  The many black dots have just about disappeared.

However, the eye still feels as if it is slightly congested inside the eye, and so I am continuing treatment for a bit:

I have switched to homeopathic Agaricus Muscarius 30c, 2nd June 2011.  Along with the impaired vision, I had incredibly stiffness of the spine and back muscles which came on quite suddenly.  There was also some aching in the shin bone, and some rhinitis in the left sinus area, the same side as the affected eye.  Well, Agaricus Muscaria is a specific for all of these symptoms, as well as for black spots over the field of vision, , colour blindness,  night blindness, and strange flying objects in the field of vision.  Agaricus Muscarius has the ability to strengthen the optic nerve, which good vision depends upon.

My vision is improving by the day with the Homeopathic Agaricus 30c treatment.   I am so glad that I chose to use homeopathic medicine to try to cure the eye ailments, before going to the eye specialist as friends suggested.  If I had done that, I would have been given some medication to stop the twitching, and glasses for sure, but the root cause of the problem would not have been addressed.

It is early days yet, and who knows – I might still end up going in to see the eye doctor…….But so far, so good……

P.S. Time To Stop Treatment:  By Sunday the 5th June 2011, I had the feeling that Agaricus had done its work – that no more progress would be made with Agaricus Muscaria.  However, I continued to take it for that Sunday and the following Monday, despite the sense that I should stop.  I wanted to see what would happen.  That Sunday night I began to feel quite restless, and a sadness seemed to be with me. The next day, by the evening, when I had the last dose, there was no doubt that Agaricus had done its work.  Some of the symptoms which Agaricus had cleared up for me, like the stiff spine, aching shin bones, sinus trouble, sneezing, etc, were evident after that last dose Monday night.  It made me also feel suddenly incredibly restless again, slightly depressed and anxious at the same time.  I felt the blood pressure building up around the eye again, and also around the left ear.   So that was it: Now I must STOP the medication, because it had done its work:  Any more would reverse the progress made.   I took a couple of cups of black tea to antidote the remedy, which it did immediately.  Coffee is usually the thing to antidote a remedy, but I did not want to take the chance, in case the coffee added to the slight hypertension and other symptoms which I was experiencing.

Black tea worked a treat as an antidote to Agaricus. Black tea stopped the effect of the Agaricus just as soon as I swallowed a few sips of tea.  I think black ceylon tea would work as an antidote to many homeopathic remedies. Now I know that three days treatment of Agaricus Muscaria 30c is enough. I  stopped taking Agaricus Muscaria on the fifth day of taking this remedy, when three days would have been enough.  This remedy followed three days on Euphrasia.

My eyesight is almost back to normal. The bone aches, twitches of eyelids, eczema, and all other symptoms have disappeared because of taking the two remedies which I took principally to heal my eyesight.


Anti Cancer Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Remedies For Cancer:  Homeopathy Can Help Prevent Cancer

Homeopathy is a powerful medicine. It is an amazing science which rationalists cannot explain, as it works on the principle of ‘like heals like’, and on the principle of the ‘minimum dose’, which many people cannot fathom.

Actually, there are some treatments acceped in allopathic medicine which use the ‘ like to treat like’ principle, but the use of microscopic doses of a substance to heal a condition, or prevent one occurring, is peculiar to homeopathy, and this is the thing which sceptics  just cannot get their heads around.  But – homeopathy does work, and many medical doctors around the world have undergone study in homeopathic medicine in order to become proficient at prescribing homeopathics for their patients. Homeopathy is studied as a science and widely used in India:  many developments in the proving of new remedies have come from studies done in India.

Many doctors have found homeopathy to be invaluable as a preventative medicine, and in obtaining actual cures for many of their patients. Often, when allopathic medicine has failed to work in effecting a cure, homeopathy has brought people back to total health.

The Queen Mother was a great fan opf homeopathic medicine.  She lived beyond a hundred years.  The Royal family have their own Royal Homeopath, which  is, I think, a wonderful endorsement for homeopathic medicine.

The Homeopathic text entitled “Indications of Miasm”, by Dr. Harimohan Choudhury, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, reprint  1999, gives detailed advice on the use of homeopathic medicine for cancer.  Dr Choudhury also has chapters in this book on the different miasms, and the treatments for the diseases which come under those categories.

Below are listed some of the homeopathic remedies which Dr Choudhury suggests as anti-cancer remedies.  I must point out, though, that unless you have knowledge and experience with the use of homeopathic medicine, it will be difficult to find the right remedy for one’s own treatment.  Just taking one ‘out of the box’ will probably not work.  You do need to see an experienced homeopathic practitioner so that the correct remedy for your condition may be ascertained.  It is important that the right remedy be chosen.  Every remedy has different symptoms which correspond to a physical, mental and enotional condition.  The physical, mental, emotional, digestive and spiritual characteristics of the individual need to be assessed for every individual case,  before considering the range of homeopathic remedies available.

It must be remembered that a homeopathic remedy just on its own is not enough to combat cancer.  Appropriate treatment of any serious disease would include good nutrition, plenty of rest, and periods of fasting. With these prerequisites, the right homeopathic treatment could very well effect a cure, or at least make the patient more comfortable for the duration of his or her life.

Dr Choudhury recommends fasting once a week for cancer patients; proper rest and recreation, which would include a period of 30 minutes rest daily after lunch; regular time for going to bed; regular pleasant walks each day; and the confidence and belief that you will be cured.

He recommends avoiding overuse of salt, sugar and fat, especially fatty meats. Not too much spicy food should be taken, and nor should meals be too large.

All cosmetics which contain any chemicals should be avoided.  And, of course, one should really ensure that one does not come into contact with pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides.  In short, avoid contact with chemicals in the domestic environment, and avoid food which has any preservative or colouring or flavour added.

The A Grade Anti Cancer Homeopathics which Dr Harimohan Choudhury lists are:  Argentum. n., Arsenicum. alb., Arsenicum. iod., Asafoetida., Aurum. met., Aurum. mur. nat., Bismuth., Bromine., Calc. ars.,, Carbo. an., Carcinosin, Card. m., Carb. sulph., Carb. veg., Chelidonium.,  Cholesterinum, Cinnamonium, Condu., Conium., Echinacea, Hoang-n., Hydrastis, Iodine, Iscador, which comes from mistletoe, , Kreosote, Lachesis, Lapis alb., Lycopodium, Mag. m., Medo, Mercurius. s., Nitric . acid  (NOTE – ONLY IN HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATION, WHICH IS A MICOROSCOPIC DOSE, DILUTED SEVERAL TIMES AND SUCCUSSED – YOU WOULD NOT USE ANY OF THESE REMEDIES ‘STRAIGHT’ – THEY MUST BE PREPARED BY HOMEOPATHIC SUPPLIERS)., Ornithog., Phosphorous., Phytolacca.,  Rad. br., Scirrhinum., Sempervinum, Secale. c., Silicea, Stron. c., Syph., Tarentula Hisp.,., Thuja., Thapsi., Visc. alb., X-Ray

The B Grade Anti Cancer  Homeopathics which Dr Harimohan Choudhoury recommends are:  Aconite r., Alumn., Apis., Ambra, Anthrac, Ant. chlorid, Arg. m., Aster. Aur. ars., Aur. mur., Bufo., Cadmium., Calcarea. carb., Calc. s., China.., Cist. c., Cleam., Crot.h., fuligo lign., Galium., Geran. m., Graphites., Hammamelis., Ignatia., Iris. v., Kali c., Kali. ars., Kali. bi., Kali. iod., Kali. chl., Kali. cy., Kali. p., Kali. s., Morph., Murex, Muri ac., Merc, iod. fl., Mat.c., Mat. cacodylate., Nat. m., Plumbum. iod., Psorin., Rab.b., Rubi., Ruta., Scrofularia., Sepia, Spongia., Staphisagria., Sulphur., Zincum.

Many of these same remedies are recommended for the treatment of tumours in other texts.  In the book ‘Practical Homeoathic Therapeutics”, by W.A.Dewey, Reprint Edition 1996, New Delphi, B.Jain Publishers, PVT Ltd, we find a list of remedies which compares to that of Dr Harimohan Choudhury’s above.  The remedies which Dr W.A.Dewey considers to be most important of these would seem to be the following:

Arsenicum, Calcarea fluor., Carbo an., Conium, and Hydrastis.

However, he also includes Baryta carb., Baryta iod., Bromine, Carbo veg., Carbolic acid, Cedron, Cicuta, Cundurango, Cuprum, Heda lava, Iodine, Kali sulph., Lapis alb., Morphine, Phosphorous, Phytolacca, Plumbum, radium, Silicea, and Thuja.