Home Made Anti Wrinkle Face Cream Recipe

Natural Remedy To Help Prevent Wrinkles and Nourish the Skin:

Here is a lovely face cream which you can make yourself.  It is free of harmful chemicals and honestly rich in vitamin E and other beneficial nutrients which will help reduce those wrinkles on the face.  Very good for the neck and hands too.

This is a standard formula for making cold creams.  You can use the oils of your choice, and, for example,  replace safflower oil for the avocado oil if you wish.  But try to obtain the extra good nourishing oils such as avocado, almond and/or apricot kernel oil if you can.

Apricot and almond kernels, or peach kernels, contain a lot of antioxidant Vitamin B17, known as laetrile, which has been found to be of great benefit in healing degenerative diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and other conditions. Including oils extracted from any of these fruit kernels will also be highly beneficial for helping to heal and maintain lovely skin.

Avocado oil contains good amounts of the anti-oxidant vitamins A, B, D and E.  These are essential for helping to grow healthy skin tissue.  Avocado oil is a fantastic skin treatment, as the oil medium lubricates the skin and distributes the vitamins evenly over the skin tissue at the same time.

Witchhazel is an age-old skin cosmetic.  It is well-known for its skin-whitening effects and ability to remove blemishes on the face.

Witchhazel water is made from the Hamamelis virginica tree, which is a beautiful yellow-flowered, sweet-smelling tree. As a lotion, it is strongly astringent and has antiseptic properties which make it useful for treating cuts and bruises, bites and stings, piles and things such as bleeding gums.

Recipe For Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream:

In a couble boiler put:

10 grammes of either almond or apricot kernel oil.

20 grammes of avocado or safflower oil

one and a half teaspoons of lanolin (the organic kind which comes from sheep’s wool)

5 grammes of pure beeswax

Heat all up gently until temperature reaches 60C and the beeswax is melted.

In another, smaller, saucepan, gently heat up 35mls of either rosewater or witchhazel water. When the temperature of the chosen water has reached 60C, same as the oils, take both off the heat and gradually beat in the rosewater or witchhazel water into the oil mixture.

Keep beating until mixture is smooth and creamy.

Finally, add 5 drops of your favourite essential oil, and one small teaspoon of liquid honey.

Rose oil, or ylang ylang, or lavender, or patchouli, are what I would choose from.

Beat the honey and essential oil well in.

Then put into a clean, DRY storage jar with a good fitting lid.

Keep in the fridge if you can.  Otherwise, store in a cool, dark place.

Use up the cream within three or four months.  Because it does not have added preservatives, it will not keep as long as commercial face creams do.

The vitamin content, lanolin and beeswax, will all help to preserve your face cream for a while.

Vitamin E is a well known natural preservative.

Beeswax and honey have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties – These qualities make them good for skin health as well as being a natural preservative for your cream.

Make sure you take the cream out with a clean, dry spoon or spatula each time.

See Merrilyn’s new book on Amazon:



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