Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium helps protect against heart disease.  Up to 150 mg in water effects a reduction of heart disease by 13%.
This is thought to be because magnesium, which links with calcium, tends to clean out the arteries of any calcium lingering around the artery walls.This would also indicate magnesium to be important in keeping healthy cholesterol levels maintained, as well as preventing high blood pressure, avoiding strokes, and maintaining a regular heart beat.

Magnesium can remedy cramps and bone pain. It  helps prevent the development of arthritis.Take ‘ Milk of magnesia’ to help with these problems, or a little epsom salts, or ‘Zechstein Magnesium’.

Magnesium links with calcium to form healthy bone tissue, tooth enamel, hair and nails. Magnesium is therefore  essential for expectant mothers:

450 mg of Magnesium daily is recommended for mothers just about to give birth. If extra magnesium is supplemented, along with Vitamin B 6, then contraction pain should be reduced.
Epsom salts can be used to supplement magnesium in the diet. Dolomite powder is another source of magnesium which is highly concentrated.
Much natural magnesium is leached out of vegetables when they are cooked in water. Drink the water to up your magnesium levels.

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Poor nutrition, inadequate water and lack of eye-movement exercise can cause a weakening of the eye-sight.

Environmental hazards like formaldehyde, which is found in compacted chip-wood for floors, will cause your eye-sight to deteriorate quite rapidly if you are daily exposed to the toxin. If you live in a house which has a particle board floor, then over time, your eye-sight will deteriorate, your memory will suffer, and you will probably become depressed with all of this as well.

However, provided you are not constantly being exposed to poisons, then these following ideas will help you to improve your eye-sight.

Of course, daily general exercise such as swimming, walking, cycling, or yoga, will help the general health, and your chosen daily exercise will help your eye-sight too, because this will get that blood circulating. A healthy flow of blood has the effect of better nourishing the eyes with the fluid, proteins, minerals and vitamins which they need for their healthy functioning.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon.  More tips on this for improving the overall health.

Exercise also helps to keep the blood clean by working the abdominal muscles: this aids the removal of effete matter from the intestines, so that the blood which reaches your eyes will be free of harmful toxins.

But more about the eye-movement exercises:  Much improvement in eye-sight can be observed (excuse the pun) when such simple exercises as the ones out-lined here are done on a daily basis. They really are so dreadfully easy to do, and can take almost no time at all if you practice them whilst travelling on a bus, or whilst watching a bit of T.V. Don’t do them while sitting in your car, though, as you may become so absorbed in your exercises that you fail to see that green light.

Many of us city dwellers who have desk jobs, or who pore over books or computers all day long, or mozie around the house once the children have flown the coup, do not use our eye muscles, or the change of focus mechanism, anything like half as much as what we should. Our eyes become lazy, as we get used to working within the same frame of focus for much of the day.

Extreme vertical or horizontal movements of the eyes are made redundant as we fix our gaze on our screens, with something like a short 15 degree angle only being all that is necessary to catch sight of the keyboard, and this at more or less the same distance as the screen from the eyes, which means that the eyes have to do very little re-focussing. Our heads become kind of frozen into a forward-leaning posture when we are thus stuck at a desk or a piano or a television, which does not give us much of a range of distances and angles for the eyes to explore.

Now there is a definite relationship between the movement of the eyes and the nasal and sinus passages:

When the eyes become lazy, the nerves and muscles which prompt the sinuses into releasing mucous become lazy too. The result is sinus trouble – a congestion in the nasal area, which directly affects the nerves of the eyes and your vision. Weak eye-sight is often the direct result of sinus congestion.

You can test this theory for yourself by doing a few rounds of these yoga breathing eye exercises. You will notice that the sinus passages will release fluid as you do these exercises. You should keep up the practice for several minutes, with variations, until the sinus passages are cleared of mucous. The muscles and nerves of the eyes will thus be toned up, especially if you practice the exercises on a daily basis, and this will have the effect of strengthening your eye-sight.

CIRCULAR MOTION OF THE EYES:  You can do this exercise either sitting or standing. Do not strain the eyes by pushing them too hard initially. Begin by looking straight ahead. You do not move the head for this exercise, but rather make the eyes do all the work. Look up as far as you can to the ceiling. Slowly bring the eyes down in a circular motion, stretching out the angle to the side as far as you can to catch sight of the objects to the side of you. Keep moving the eyes slowly until you are looking downwards as far as you can to the floor. Keep the head erect – eyes do the work. Come upwards to the left side slowly, again, reaching out as far as you can with the eye movement so that you see all objects as far to the left as you can. Keep moving slowly upwards. This is one round. Do three rounds, then reverse the direction to do three anti-clockwise movements.

PALM THE EYES To give the eyes a little rest, rub the palms of the hands vigorously together. Put your warmed hands over the closed eyes for a minute. Breathe evenly and deeply, imagining the vital force from your hands going directly into the eyes to strengthen and heal them.

VERTICAL EYE MOVEMENTS Now slowly look upwards. Stretch upward with the eyes as much as you, can without straining, or course. Breathe in as you reach upwards with the eye movement, breathe out as you slowly draw the eyes down to the floor. Breathe in as you raise the eyes to the ceiling. Do three rounds.

HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS. Moving the eyes slowly, again whilst keeping the head still, look to the far right. Bring the eyes back to the center and then slowly move the gaze to the far left, trying to focus on something each time. Come back to the center. Repeat three times. Coordinating the breathing with the exercise gives more power to the exercise. Breathe in as you look to the side, and out as you return the gaze to the center.

HEAD ROLLS. This exercise stimulates the blood flow to the brain and to the eyes. It also helps the flow of chi down the spine. Simply drop the head forward onto the chest. Breathing in slowly, slowly move the head towards the right shoulder. Keep moving slowly upwards, rolling the head gently backwards, over the top of the spine, and over to the left shoulder. Your lungs should be full of air now. Slowly begin dropping the head down from the left shoulder as you breathe out. Keep moving down until the head touches the chest. Repeat three times, then reverse the direction.

HEAD DROPS Now, breathing out, drop the head sideways onto the right shoulder. Breathing in, lift the head back up to the erect position. Do three times. Drop to the chest as you breathe out, lift up as you breathe in. Repeat three times. Drop the head the same way to the left shoulder, slowly, three times. Drop the head backwards as far as is comfortable. Bring to the erect position and repeat slowly twice more.

DIAGONALS Next, look up to the very top right corner of your field of vision. Bring the focus downwards to the centre so that you are looking straight ahead. Keep moving the eyes in a diagonal direction until they are looking down at the left hand corner. Come back slowly to the centre and continue up towards the top right hand corner. Repeat until you have done three rounds. Repeat the whole exercise beginning at the top left hand corner. It is, again, more beneficial if you can coordinate the breathing with these exercises. Breathe in as you look up, and breathe out as you draw the eyes to the floor. Keep the breathing fluid and steady, with fluid and steady eye movements accompanying the breathing.

ACUPUNCTURE given to relieve sinus congestion will very often have the effect of sharpening your focus and improving short and long focussed vision. Visit a registered acupuncturist to get advice on this. Alternatively, you could do self-acupressure to help the situation. See our post on acupressure for the eyes.

Help Your Eyesight

How to Help Your Eyesight:

As is the case in treating any degenerative disease, the most important things to consider are detoxification and nutrition, with appropriate exercise and a stress-free life-style if you can get it.

Many people who have  degeneration of the eye-sight simply give up hope of restoring their eye-sight, believing that they have to live with the condition as it gradually worsens with each passing year. But there is much that can be done to prevent and treat eye conditions such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma , especially if you can recognize the warning signs early in the piece.

Early signs might be that you have lost clear focus, or the vision has become distorted. There might be a black, empty spot in your field of vision, or several small black dots.

Raw Food:  Raw foods should form the bulk of the diet, as these help the detoxification process, whilst providing plenty of essential enzymes, vitamin C, and other nutrients which are needed for the reparation of the eye cells.  If you cannot stomach too much raw food, then  eat your vegetables lightly steamed.

Detoxification :   There are many different techniques for detoxification. I recommend castor oil, taken in a two tablespoon dose every second day to help with the cleansing process. Castor oil also has remarkable healing properties which will help your eye-sight to restore itself, even when taken internally, as in a cleansing technique.   It helps carry the nutrients throughout the body, which ensures that your eyes, too, will get benefit from them.

An Ayurvedic remedy for the eyes is to put just one drop of castor oil into each eye last thing at night, before you shut your eyes to sleep.  This remedy is reputed to be helpful in preventing cataracts of the eye, and also in treating them, if you catch the cataract at the early stage.

Castor oil acts as a pathway, bridgeing the gaps where cells have been damaged so that nutrients can be carried across  the damaged cells, to assist their recovery. Taking a dose of castor oil once a week or so can help your eyesight.

Nutrition : Diet is all-important in treating and preventing macular degeneration and other disease. As we shall see, green vegetables and carrots top the list of vegetables for nourishing the eyes.

Lutein is thought to be the most valuable nutrient to prevent macular degeneration. It is found in leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, silver beet and comfrey.

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, green peas, celery and broad beans are also high in lutein. Ideally, we need to include a good helping of one or two of these greens with at least one meal a day for enough cell-repairing lutein to reach the eyes and work its healing.

Comfrey is especially high in lutein, silica and other cell-enhancing elements which are valuable in restoring eye- sight. If you can get some, take a cup of comfrey tea daily. The weak, cooled tea can be used as an eye wash and the mushed, cooked and cooled leaves used as a poultice on the eyes for five minutes several times a week. If you cannot get comfrey, try using borage leaves instead, and prepare and use as a tea in the same way as for comfrey, only do not use borage as an eye poultice. Cucumber slices placed over the eyes for five minutes have a healing effect on the eye tissues.

The other essential ingredient for eye health is carotene. The greens mentioned above all contain carotene as well as other essential minerals and vitamins. However, you just can’t beat carrots for improving the eye-sight, and this is why carrots were fed to the fighter pilots during the second world war. Eating carrots daily improved the night vision of the pilots. Follow suit and eat carrots every day to experience the optimum in vision which your eyes offer you.

Fish oils and proteins are essential for the maintenance of good eye-sight. You really need those Omega 3 fatty acids to keep your eyes and brain healthy.  The eyes respond well to a protein-rich diet, especially when high fibre and lutein-rich greens accompany the meal.

Nuts and fish are some of the best nutritive protetins for the eyes and brain. Small fish such as sardines in oil, and mackerel, are very good because you get additional calcium from eating the bones. Iodine is important for eye health: eating fish and fish oils will give you an iodine boost as well. Olive oil, grapeseed oil  and avocado- oil or fruit, all contain fats which benefit the eyes.

Two raw egg yolks taken daily with your meal, or in a smoothie, will help the eye tissues to restore themselves.  Egg yolk contains lecithin, which is needed to process fats and oils.  Do not use the egg white raw. This dietary supplement is very good for people who do not eat meat, or who are on limited diets to treat serious conditions. Walter Last recommended raw egg yolk for people as part of a diet to treat cancer and other degenerative disease. Raw foods formed the basis of this diet, with the addition of calf liver juice. If you were keen to follow a strict regime such as this, you would need to have the support and advice of a trained naturopath or health professional. I would recommend the castor oil regime, taken every second day, with raw food, raw egg yolk, and almonds forming the basis of the diet. If it is done carefully and faithfully, this diet, I believe, will cure even macular degeneration. Read Dr.Max Gerson’s book to get some nitty gritty on the success of this type of treatment.

Eating garlic with meals helps to clear the sinuses which thus has a beneficial effect on the eyesight. Any of the allium family, that is, garlic, leeks, onions, spring onions, or chives, help to keep bacteria at bay and stimulate not only the digestion but also the brain and the eye nerves.

Vitamin B 12 has been found to be of major importance in treating eye disease. It can halt the worsening of an eye trouble. Glaucoma patients, especially, have benefited from a standard dosage of a B 12 supplement. The B vitamins are essential because they help you  lower stress experience.

Take Vitamin C in a non-acidic form daily: Two divided doses of 500 mg to 1000 mg each. Vitamin C has the added benefit, apart from its healing properties, of acting as a mild tranquilizer and stress reliever. Stress hinders recovery, so allow yourself time for everything, including meditation, or yoga, so that you do not become stressed.

Too much coffee, or alcohol, and medicinal drugs, can cause macular degeneration or a general weakening of the eye-sight. Caffeine should be avoided or reduced to a minimum to protect your vision from becoming impaired. If you already have sight deterioration, then you are best to completely eliminate caffeine and alcohol, and medicinal drugs if your doctor allows it, from your diet.

Coffee and alcohol have the effect of dehydrating the body, which affects the eyes and the brain. Make sure you drink adequate amounts of good water each day, instead of going for the stimulants. Your eye-sight will reward you.

You can become a tea tippler rather than a coffee drinker: Polyphenols which are found in tea work as anti-oxidants and have been proven to have anti-cancer properties. Regular tea which contains tannin, is more healthy than de-caffeinated tea, as the polphenol content is higher in the untreated product. Cold, used tea bags of either green tea, or ceylon tea, also have a healing effect on the eyes when used as a pack for five minutes. You can do this several times a week, or even daily, to help regenerate eye tissue and revitalize the nerve functions.

Green Tea helps eyesight:  Green tea is a general tonic for the nervous system.  Building and maintaining a healthy nervous system benefits your eyesight.  You can take anything from two to ten cups a day.  Personally, I think that two cups a day is enough, but research done in New Zealand has shown that ten cups of green tea a day provides enough epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG to be effective in the regulating of the glucose mechanism, and so we can assume that ten cups a day of green tea is O.K.

Rose hip tea, if you can get it in tea bags, is another very good thing to use (cooled) over the eyes once you have enjoyed your cup of herb tea. Rose hips contain high amounts of vitamin C. Even when dried and infused, the dregs still contain traces of vitamin C and other agents which aid healing.

Castor Oil and Ghee Oil:  These oils have a healing effect on the eyes.  They can be applied as a pack and left over the eyes for a period;  or one drop of either oil can be put into the eyes at night-time.  Both these oils are used in ayurvedic medicine and have been used to prevent cataracts and stop them from worsening.  Castor oil and ghee oil have a lubricating and soothing effect on the eye tissues.

Lupus Treatments

Some Natural Remedies To Help Lupus.

People with this condition need to be treated by a doctor or an alternative medical therapist. The suggestions given here could be discussed with your health professional.

Lupus is a condition which affects the immune system. Many people have a genetic weakness which predisposes them to getting the disease, but there is usually an outside trigger of an environmental or emotional nature which causes the immune system to become weakened dramatically, which, in turn, leads to the onset of the disease.

With lupus, the immune system literally goes hay-wire: instead of doing its job of attacking outside invaders, the immune system begins to also attack the cells within the body.  It is similar to cancer in this way.

One in every 2,000 women in the USA are thought to have lupus, either the more common systemic lupus erythematosus, or discoid lupus erythematosus, which causes skin problems.
The most common conventional treatment is with corticosteroid drugs. Prednisone, an anti-inflammatory drug, is commonly prescribed for lupus. Unfortunately, this drug has side effects: bone loss with eventual osteoporosis are just two conditions which are likely to occur with continued use of prednisone.
Aspirin, another anti-inflammatory drug, is sometimes successful in treating people who have only mild symptoms of the disease. This is less harmful than corticosteroid drugs in some respects, however, its blood-thinning capacity can cause problems too.  Internal haemorrhage and weakening of the arteries can result from taking aspirin over a long duration.
The taking of anti-inflammatory drugs can cause vitamin and mineral imbalances. Over time this can affect cholesterol levels, cause heart irregularities, which includes stroke and heart attack, give rise to hormonal imbalances,and cause stomach,liver and kidney problems.

However, Vitamin and mineral treatment, and a diet which eliminates problematic foods, has been shown to be effective in preventing a worsening of the disease, and in many cases, in restoring the body to a healthy condition again.
Nutritive therapy has been shown to be helpful, both for people who opt for a holistic, natural approach, as well asfor those who decide on an orthodox treatment for a lupus condition.

The essential aspects of treating lupus are through nutritional, environmental, and emotional means.
The key points are:

Maintain a nutritive diet.
 Avoid all dairy products, wheat and rye. Reducing sugar intake is recommended

Some health practitionersinclude dairy products in the lupus diet.

If you take dairy milk, it might be best to source out raw milk.  Goat’s milk is even better than cow’s milk. Unpasteurized, raw milk is often best for people with digestive difficulties of any kind.  Switching to raw milk often cures so-called asthma attacks, as it has with my own grandson.
Avoid all foods with additives such as chemical preservatives, colorings and flavorings.
Eat plenty of vegetable roughage to keep the elimination process working optimally. Roughage also helps toregulate cholesterol in the body, which is especially important for lupus sufferers, as they tend to have a higher incidence of heart disease than people without the condition. Roughage, roughage, and more roughage is the motto

Keep the home and work environment free of chemicals. The avoidance of insecticides, herbicides, petro-chemicals, brake fluid, paints and glues which contain formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals, is imperative in preventing a worsening of the
It is also important that no dodgy cosmetics, face creams,hair dyes,nail polish etc, are used on the body.
Avoid Radiation and Electromagnetic Devices.  Choose a  home and work environment which do not expose you to excess amounts of radiation such as that which is emitted from high tension power lines, electricity transformers, and cell phone towers.

Cell phone use should also be minimised. Better not to use one at all, but if you do – do not sleep with it in the bedroom.  Same goes for your computer:  Put that in another room, well away from your sleeping area.  Do not spend long periods at a time on the computer.

Earth Yourself:  Make sure you walk barefoot on grass at some time during the day.  The damp dewey grass of the morning is best for earthing your body and drawing out excess magnetic energy.  If you do spend much time working in electrically-charged environments, such as on a computer, or in a high-wired office, then you need to do the barefoot thing – walking on grass – more often during the day.

Lying on the fresh grass in a nice park is also very good for the body’s function and the soul.  Excess magnetic energy and radiation is absorbed by the grass, and this benefits the health, both physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Get enough sleep  Keep the mind and body free of stress and anxiety;  Maintain a positive attitude.

Practice Yoga  on a daily basis for deep relaxation.  See my posts on how to do Yoga Nidra in the Satyananda Yoga tradition.  Not spooky at all – just an age-old relaxation technique which has been used for 1000’s of years in Indian yoga practices.  Most modern techniques for relaxation are based on the old yogic methods.

The Benefits of Fish and Fish Oil for Lupus Sufferers:
Fish, and fish oil, is helpful in treating auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,Raynaud’s disease, psoriasis, and scleroderma.
Oily fish, and fish oil supplements, have been shown to be highly effective in reducing lupus-related inflammation within the body.
Fish oil was found to benefit some people who were also taking aspirin supplements to suppress lupus-related inflammation. However, it might be worth a try to do without the aspirin whilst you pull out hammer and tongs to strengthen the immune system naturally with a nutritive diet rich in fish.

Eating some oily fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon, and sardines every day is recommended for people with lupus.

Suggested Vitamins and Minerals For Treating Lupus
The anti-oxidants Vitamins C, E, and Selenium are important for lupus sufferers.Talk to your medical adviser about these supplements.
Vitamins C and E, whilst helping the body to rid itself of toxins, are helpful in reducing inflammation. These two vitamins also help prevent heart disease, which is an important consideration for the lupus sufferer.

Vitamin C:
At least 1,000 mg daily of calcium ascorbate, or Ester C, are recommended.Up to 4,000 mg of Vitamin C can be taken in divided doses throughout the day. 1000 mg daily is a reasonable, moderately high dose for most people.

I find that 3000 -4000mg per day, divided into doses of 1000 mg, is a good amount for treating chronic conditions and degenerative disease of any kind.
If you wish, you could divide your doses up into several of 500 mg. Vitamin C is not retained in the body, so it is a safe one to take in larger amounts.

Vitamin A, or Beta-carotene:
25,000 international units daily of Vitamin A can be helpful in treating lupus.Much of this amount can be gotten from your foods:
Eat plenty of Vitamin A rich foods like carrots, pumpkin, apricots, mangoes, in fact, any orange or yellow-
colored fruit or vegetable, supplies you with Vitamin A. A daily glass of carrot juice, obtained from organically grown carrots, will provide you with ample Vitamin A.

Vitamin E:
NOTE: Do not take ANY Vitamin E if you are taking blood thinning drugs such as aspirin, or any other anti-coagulant. It is dangerous to combine Vitamin E with anti-coagulants.
Up to 1,000 international units of Vitamin E can be taken daily if you are not on any medications already, however, 600 international units daily is a more reasonable, moderate dose.

Ask your doctor or naturopath if you should increase your Vitamin E intake.

Vitamin D
400 international units of Vitamin D daily can be helpful for lupus sufferers. Extra Vitamin D will help your
assimilation of calcium, which is an important consideration for the maintenance of bone density.
Egg yolks, milk,butter and fatty fish such as salmon, are the best sources of Vitamin D.

Lupus sufferers need to keep high levels of calcium and Vitamin D in their diets in order to prevent bone loss.
1,000 mg of Calcium is recommended for lupus sufferers. This can easily be gained from stirring a half teaspoon of dolomite powder into your carrot juice, or adding it to some other nutritious drink, or sprinkling it over your cooked vegetables.

15 milligrams daily is recommended. Much of this can be gotten from onions and garlic. A zinc tonic can be made by stewing the outer skins of two onions in two cups of water for an hour. Take off the stove and leave overnight before straining off the liquid and putting it in the fridge.

Take two teaspoonsful before food once or twice a day.

Take care with selenium.
Up to 50 micrograms of selenium, taken daily, is considered therapeutic for the lupus sufferer. If you think you might consider taking a selenium supplement, then ask your naturopath or doctor for advice. Selenium is great for putting oxygen into the blood, and it is vital for our health. However, since we need such minute amounts of it, one can easily over-do selenium.

Digestive Enzymes

Coenzymes: These are very beneficial for anyone with weak digestion.  They help the pancreas and the liver, which are often deficient in important functions, and so they help you to digest your food better.  People suffering degenerative diseases of any kind may find Coenzymes very good.

Walter Last recommended these for cancer sufferers, and for all other people who had degenerative conditions such as Lupus, Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Bromelain, derived from pineapple, may also be helpful as an aid to digestion.

Apples:  Raw, grated apple is a help to good digestion.  Eat your grated raw apple, skin and all, 20 minutes before your meals.  This helps the intestines by providing bulk and provides extra nutrients, such as Vitamin C and phytochemicals, which help fight cancer cells, and which aid digestion.  The mucilage in apples is very soothing to the stomach and bowel.

Homeopathic Remedies For Lupus

Some people have been completely cured of Lupus with the help of certain homeopathic remedies.  I will put up a post within the next few days on some of the treatments.

Colonic Cleansing or Enemas

As with any degenerative disease, results from natural therapies are better if the bowel is washed out with water occasionally.

Since Lupus sufferers have inadequate digestion, they usually have more toxins and mucous floating about in the intestines than people with healthy digestive systems.  So – if your condition is severe, then a daily enema might be a good thing.

Ginger Rogers, icon of the silver screen who famously partnered Fred Astaire, wizard of dance,  was once asked how she managed to keep he’r good looks for so long.  She dryly announced that it was ‘due to a daily enema’, and left it at that.

You can go to a colonic irrigation clinic to get it done professionally, or you can buy an enema kit and do the cleansing process yourself.

With a simple water enema, use warm water – around one pint and a bit for a start.  Add half a teaspoon of sea salt to the water.  Always lie down to wash out the bowel – if you stand up, then the water will not travel up and around the bowel.  Hold the water in for a few minutes, if comfortable.  Then release.  Walter Last recommends repeating the process until the expelled water is clean.  But even one douche of water will be helpful in removing toxic residues from the walls of the bowel.

Castor Oil and the Gerson Therapy For Cancer

This method would do wonders for Lupus sufferers, if they were to follow Gerson’s castor oil and enema method religiously.  Gerson always maintained that his castor oil, enema, raw food treatment worked for many cases of terminal cancer, it would work for any degenerative disease.

The basis of his method was raw food and juices, with more cooked vegetables being introduced gradually, as health improved.  One large bowl of porridge, eaten each morning with one grated apple, was the only cooked food to be used for the first few months.

See Merrilyn’s posts on healing with Dr Gerson’s cancer method.

Manganese Benefits

The word manganese comes from the Greek word meaning ‘magic’. This aptly describes the roles of manganese.

Manganese helps to build strong bones. Low levels can cause bone problems similar to osteoporosis Children need  Manganese to build straight strong bones.
Manganese is a  nerve and brain food. It is important for healthy brain function and in maintaining the body’s immune system. It assists the thyroid gland

Benefits of Manganese:

Manganese aids the production of reproduction hormones
It helps the flow of breast milk.
It encourages healthy bowel movements.

Manganese is important for the formation of collagen, used in the building of connective tissue.
It helps to form the cartilage which holds joints and bones and brain together.

Manganese helps to break down food carbohydrates and fat and convert it to energy
It helps to regulate blood sugar. Thus it helps prevent hypoglycaemia and diabetes.
It helps to regulate blood cholesterol, keep blood pressure stable and reduces the incidence of heart attack and stroke.

Deafness, poor balance and noises in the ear can be caused by lack of manganese.
Low levels can cause epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia. These conditions improve with added Manganese.
Manganese and zinc help remove excess copper from the body. High levels of copper generally accompany these conditions.
3-5 milligrams per day are needed. Up to 10 milligrams per day is considered safe.
It is thought that 100 years ago people ate more whole grains, nuts and seeds which provided about 8 milligrams per day.
Today, refined flours and other foods mean we get considerably less than the recommended amount.
Canned pineapple is one of the richest sources – one cupful of pineapple gives about 3 milligrams

Calcium Affects Absorption Of Manganese
Calcium supplements interfere with the body’s ability to absorb manganese. 800 milligrams of calcium or more will affect your absorption of manganese. If you need to take a supplement of calcium, via dolomite or tablet, then you might need to take 2 milligrams of manganese chloride, which is easily absorbed, and take it several hours after your calcium supplement.
Alternatively, you could eat a cupful of canned pineapple two hours after your calcium tablet or dolomite supplement.
These measures will boost your manganese level to compensate for the loss caused by the calcium supplementation.

Wheatgerm and bran are rich sources of Manganese. White flour contains almost none, as the mineral-rich outer fiber of the grain has been stripped away.

The recommended daily allowance is 4,000 mcg per day, or 4 milligrams.
One cup of pineapple gives roughly 3 milligrams
One cup of tea gives 500 mcg
One egg gives 300 mcg
One banana gives 1,000 mcg
Two glasses of grape juice or wine gives 800 mcg
One plate of oatmeal porridge gives 3000 mcg
One slice of wholemeal bread gives 550 mcg
1/2 cup wholemeal flour gives 2800 mcg
1/2 cup peanuts gives 800 mcg
1/2 cup brown rice gives 500 mcg
1/2 cup spinach gives 3600 mcg
1/2 cup silverbeet gives 24000 mcg
3/4 cup baked beans gives 1300 mcg
1/2 cup green beans gives 600 mcg
One kumara gives 500 mcg
One cup chopped lettuce gives 300 mcg
Two tbsp wheatgerm gives 650 mcg
Two tbsp wheat bran gives 600 mcg

People who work in manganese mines are at risk of developing illnesses similar to those which asbestos causes.
Emphysema and nerve diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis can result after years of working with manganese.
Nerve damage can be evidenced by shaking hands, trembling and shuffling of the feet.

Depression can also result.
My cousin who worked in a manganese mine for ten years or more has chronic emphysema, arthritis, and osteoporosis, a bone disorder. He has never smoked.