What Foods Can i Eat To Prevent Radiation Poisoning?

Radiation Free Diet

Japan Nuclear Disaster: Tips For Survival

This is written mainly for New Zealanders at risk from radiation poisoning, however, many of these tips for survival should be helpful for people in other parts of the world too.

1) Use Only Unpolluted Water.

Don’t drink the tap water.  Before arriving at your place, this water sits around day after day in large dams which are exposed to the air, and therefore, to the radioactive particles in the air. It is also treated with chlorine and fluoride, and therein lies another story.

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster has made all our dam water polluted.  Get bottled water which comes from a reliable source.  If you have tap water which was taken before the nuclear disaster, then start using this right away.  This is the emergency NOW- the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, Japan. Don’t hang on to your clean water for some other disaster.  You need to protect your health right away from the effects of the radiation in the air, and one way to do this is by being careful with your food and your water.

If you can, go to a water bore which is relatively uncontaminated.  Bottle as much of this as you can.  Bottled water should be kept in glass bottles, or plastic bottles which have held fruit juice.  Do not use milk bottles for your bottled water, as this will make your precious water go rancid.

Otherwise, unless you are lucky enough to have a full water tank which has uncontaminated water in it, you will be best to buy bottled water rather than use tap water.

2) Grow Your Greens Indoors. Eliminate all possible contaminated food.  This means avoiding buying leafy greens such as lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and silver beet. And avoid taking these things from your garden too.  The danger is HERE.  Ensure that you eat food which is not contaminated with radioactive fallout.

Mung Bean Sprouts, or Aduki Beans, are the ideal survival food, because you can grow them with your clean water, on your window sill, out of the reach of the radiation outside.  Get a good supply in right away to ensure that your source dates from before the nuclear disaster.

3)  Brown Rice, or White Rice: With your clean water, you can cook rice which is free of the radioactive particles.  Buy up a good supply now, while you can still get rice which was packed before the nuclear disaster.  With your fresh green mung bean sprouts,  your rice, and a bit of olive oil, you can survive quite well for a long time. You can add other foods to the diet too, but these three things should form the basis of your radiation free diet.

4)  Get in supplies of Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, and Sesame Seeds to use as a milk substitute, and to supply extra protein, vitamins,  and fatty acids to your diet.

5)  AVOID DRINKING MILK AND AVOID ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS SUCH AS CHEESE, YOGHURT, BUTTER,  AND ANIMAL FOODS. These are very high in radiation.  Cows eat acres of grass to produce that milk for your table, and the butter and cheese for your bread.  The grass has radioactive fallout on it, which means that the cow absorbs masses of radiation as it chomps its way across a paddock.  This radiation gets concentrated in the milk.  So this must be avoided at all costs.  Soy Milk should be used instead of cow’s milk, or another animal’s milk.

6)  Vegetarian Diet: You really need to stick to a vegetarian diet of foods which were packed before the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.  Sesame seeds are extremely rich in calcium and fatty acids:  Apparently, one handful of sesame seeds supplies more than the adequate amount of calcium for the day. 

Sesame Seed Milk:   Sesame Seeds are best blended up into a milk, so that you derive the maximum benefit.  Dry grind the sesame seeds in the blender first, using only about 3/4 cupful of seeds.  Then add your UNPOLLUTED WATER which is radiation free, to make a healthy milk.

Sunflower Seed Milk, and Almond Milk, or a mixture of any of these, can be made in the same way.

Soy Milk is another good substitute for dairy milk, especially if it was packed before 11 March 2011.

7)  Avoid Eating Meat:  Meat would be OK if you are sure that the animal has not been killed since the nuclear disaster. Otherwise, all animals grazing out in the open will be absorbing large amounts of radiation into their flesh.  You will absorb these radioactive poisons if you eat contaminated animal foods.

8)  Avoid Eggs for the same reason.

9)  Buy up supplies now, so that you can prevent buying in contaminated food.   Also,  the situation may not improve for a while, and the level of toxicity could get worse. You need to be prepared for this.

Any food packaged before the Japanese earthquake/tsunami disaster will be safe from the effects of Fukushima, unless you are buying it from shops in that area.

Good things to stock up on are:

Water, of course;

Olive Oil

Baked Beans,

Dry Rice,

Tinned Vegetables of all sorts

Almonds, Sunflower seeds, Sesame Seeds, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Walnuts etc.

Tinned Fish – All fish will be at risk from now on.  Buy up as much as you can afford of fish packaged before the 11 March Japanese tsunami/quake/nuclear disaster:   sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon are all good.

Unfortunately, fish and seaweed such as kelp and spirulina will be very dodgy foods to buy from now on,  unless you are sure that they were processed before the Japanese nuclear disaster.

10)  Root vegetables will generally be safe foods to eat at the moment.  Radiation fallout will be mainly affecting vegetables grown on the top of the soil.  So root veges such as carrots, potatoes, kumara or sweet potato, swedes, turnips, beetroot, yams, etc, will all be good to eat.  I would avoid eating these vegetables, though, if they were harvested anywhere within 200 kilometres from Fukushima, as even in the harvesting, contamination could occur from the radioactive fallout on the top soil.

The same goes for pumpkins – I think that in New Zealand, pumpkins are still a safe food:  Radiation levels are still comparatively small here, and so you will be safe enough, by the time you peel the outer hard shell from the pumpkin, to eat the inside.  Again, I would not eat a pumpkin which was grown within 200 kilometres of Fukushima.

Liquid Iodine, Kelp and Spirulina

Just a drop of Iodine painted onto the soles of the feet, or the scalp once or twice a week, will increase your body levels of Iodine.

You need Iodine to ensure that your body does not absorb the radioactive iodine from the air instead.  If your Iodine levels are low, then you will absorb radioactive Iodine from the Fukushima fallout. Cancer, following the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere, is more likely to develop in iodine deficient  individuals.

Buy some of these things now to ensure that they are radiation free.  Kelp and Spirulina are likely to be contaminated from now on.  You can never tell where these foods come from, but actually, all foods from the sea will be polluted to some degree after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.  This is pretty certain, since we now know that 60,000 tonnes of radioactive waste  from Fukushima is being dumped into the Pacific Ocean by the Japanese.

Vitamin C is Essential. Stock up on Calcium Ascorbate, or Ester C.  These are non-acidic and are easy on the tum.  Uncontaminated fresh food may be hard to get, so Vitamin C could be necessary to protect immunity and prevent scurvy.

Vitamin C protects against radiation to a certain extent. If you think you are affected by radiation, then a dose of 1000mg of calcium ascorbate, taken once or twice a day could be helpful.  I would take more if exposure to radiation was extreme.

Chlorophyll Helps Protect Against Radiation.  You can grow your own wheat to make wheat grass juice.  This is a famous cure for cancer, used by Dr Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last, and many others.

Wheat grass juice helps to neutralize radiation poisons to some extent.

18 thoughts on “What Foods Can i Eat To Prevent Radiation Poisoning?”

  1. Hi, nice tips. I also heard a lot about keeping calcium intake high, taking some sort of fruit pectin for the cesium, bentonite clay and baking soda in your bathtub, eating avocado, rosemary, and trying to drink lots of detox foods like berries(hopefully previously frozen!)

  2. Thanks for the additions to the list. Was going to add calcium, for sure – and epsom salts too, for magnesium – Your comment is really helpful. Regards, Merrilyn

  3. Hi, I am in the US (east coast) but very concerned and am looking at your tips with interest. I am trying to find information on how to figure out how to be sure foods I buy were packaged prior to March 12. Can you give me some guidance…example…how long does it take for rice to get from a crop to the shelves? Is it still safe to buy rice, etc. and for how much longer. Thanks for any info you can provide.

  4. Hi Sandy, Thanks for your question. Rice takes some time to grow. Any rice you buy right now will at least have been grown before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and my guess is that it will also have been harvested and packed before radiation began to spread over the land.
    I have bought in supplies of rice and mung/moong beans and other seeds which will last for several months. I am certain that these foods bought now will be safe. However, the risk of contamination will be increased after the next harvest. My guess is that rice bought within the next two months should be safe. After that date, we must be sure to buy food grown in relatively radiation-free zones. As for the radiation affecting our food supplies, things will depend on how safe the Fukushima plant has become: Things do not look too promising, as the radiation danger at Fukushima has just been reassessed as level 7, up from level 5, according to news last night. The Fukushima disaster is now rated as being equal to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in terms of its environmental damage.
    A year’s supply of rice and other grains and seeds would be good, as long as weavils and other pests do not eat it first. My friend who was in Austria when the Cherobyl nuclear disaster occurred said that they could not eat field mushrooms and many other foods for about three years after the incident, as radiation levels were too high. But food grown further away from the source of contamination will be less radioactive than food grown near the source of contamination.
    Obviously we will need to think very carefully about the source of our food, and, if we can, to buy as much of our food now, while the going is good. Having tinned food on hand is a good idea.
    I am pleased to say that yesterday in New Zealand, 12th April, and today, 13th April 2011 the air is relatively clean: The acrid, corrosive fumes which have been here in varying degrees, are almost absent today and yesterday, though wind changes, and more explosions in Japan, could change that again. If there was no more contamination here such as I have experienced over the past few weeks, then I would feel fairly comfortable eating fresh food grown here, though I think I would still prefer to eat root vegetables, and grains grown before the Fukushima blow-out, for as long as supplies will allow.
    If any readers have any information on specific time frames for growing, harvesting, packaging and transporting rice, please let us know.
    Regards, Merrilyn

  5. Iam writing from Los angeles California,
    I sell water purification systems and would lilke to know how to find water sourses that are not contaminated. is there a bottled water you recommend? we drink a lot of Fiji. is that good?

  6. Hi Delta – Yes – Wheatgrass is a powerful healer. It is rich in chlorophyl, which is the vital healing ingredient. It is useful in treating radiation poisoning. People have also cured their cancers by using daily doses of wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass, and other chlorophyl rich plants such as spirulina, is a great detoxifier and purifier of the body. It is nourishing to the nerves and the immune system as well.
    Thanks for your comment.
    Regards, Merrilyn

  7. Clean Drinking Water
    Remove radiation from any water source

    Our University of Alabama patented solar desalination product uses no electricity, has no filters to replace, can be taken anywhere and extracts pure water from any contaminated water source. It removes radiation, fluoride, salt, pesticides, bacteria, dirt and other contaminants from any water. It aids people to be prepared for disasters, saves hundreds on bottled water and utility bills. Made tough in the U.S.A.

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    These units can also be placed together in arrays of literally any size, as needed, to accommodate a desert vegetable farm or remote area water needs, etc.

  8. Hello ecogreen – This sounds like a wonderful solution to get clean water. I like the idea of using no electricity, especially. Would be interested in hearing from people who have tried your water purifying units. Thanks for your comment and information.
    Regards, Merrilyn.

  9. Hi Merrilyn,
    I have just stumbled across your blog and have been reading a few of your posts (such as this one) from last year relating to nuclear contaminition. I was especially pleased to see you are in NZ too, as I am in the Canterbury region. Recently I have been trying to do some research into food safety of ingredients from around the world. I really do not want to become paranoid, but at the same time, I have a one year old son…and his health is obviously of the greatest importance to me. Therefore I just wanted to ask you, what your thoughts are a year on from the initial disaster in Japan. Do currently avoid any foods/ingredients from either NZ or anywhere else in the world and why?…Also, at this time what measures are you taking on an ongoing basis to protect your health from the effects of radiation (if any)?
    Thank you so much…I will definitely continue to read your blog! 🙂

  10. Hi Ange,
    Good to get your letter and to hear that you live in New Zealand too. I can understand your concerns regarding protecting your wee child from radiation. My daughter has a baby who is almost 18 months old now. She shares the same concerns regarding radioactive pollutants and the health of her child. She is convinced that her baby’s health may be undermined by many things in our environment over which we do not have much control, and also by vaccinations, over which we do have control, so she has decided not to vaccinate her baby and is investigating the homeopathic options. I never vaccinated my three younger children, after seeing how my first baby was affected so badly by the first two injections. But now – more about safe food……

    A year ago, after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, I was extremely concerned about how to get food which was uncontaminated with radioactive pollutants.
    At the time, I had no idea about how long this poisoning, whatever the chemicals were, would go on for, or how long it would take before the nuclear reactors would be made safe again, if at all. So I resolved to get in a supply of safe food and water to last a while.

    I certainly felt the effects on my health from pollutants in the air for a while after the Japan earthquake and tsunami. But now, a year later, I am not experiencing any effects which I would attribute to radiation coming from the Fukushima nuclear power station. Chemical herbicides and pesticides seem to be more of a problem to me right now, when the neighbours or council use these things, as they do periodically. This is not to say that we are not still being affected in some way by radiation chemicals still being emitted from Fukuchima nuclear reactors, but just that there is not any significant amount of them in the air right now which I can detect.

    (Postscript: I must say though, that I believe more people in New Zealand to be suffering from candida albicans – yeast problems – since the nuclear disaster in Japan. Right now – 29th March, 2012, I know several people who have ‘come down’ with chronic yeast problems, and this could be because of radiation in the general environment – The bowel flora is very sensitive to radiation and magnetic forces. Radiation exposure and other environmental poisons can cause candida albicans to proliferate and overcome the beneficial bacteria – will put up a post on this hopefull today.)

    This is surely a relief that the air in NZ has generally cleared itself of the intense pollution which followed the earthquake tsunami nuclear disaster. – Some days after the tsunami, when the winds were coming from certain directions, the allergic reactions were very distressing – then, when the wind turned to blow from the south, the symptoms all abated – until a change of wind again. The pollutants in the air at the time were probably a combination of radiation chemicals, smoke from chemical fires, house fires, factories, etc, resulting from earthquake and tsunami damage, which made the air quite toxic here in North Auckland. You might not have been so badly affected in Christchurch, as your prevailing winds might be more from the South, but here in Auckland, many people were complaining of strange intense headaches, flu-like symptoms, and generally feeling ill, for several weeks after the Japanese disaster.

    I still think that it is a good idea to avoid buying rice or mung beans which has been grown near Japan. Generally speaking, food grown in Australia will have been less affected by air-borne radiation chemicals. The air-borne chemicals will have made their way to Australia too, of course, but the effect will be minimal compared to rice which comes from South East Asia. That’s my guess. Check where your mung beans and rice are grown.

    Rice grown in Australia is not necessarily safe from nuclear contamination any more, either, because the Australian government has agreed to make a radiation dumping ground in the desert A military testing ground in south Australia has been opened up for the burying of nuclear waste, and I strongly suspect that much of the radioactive waste from Fukushima will have arrived there. So I would be dubious about buying food grown anywhere near this dumping area in south Australia.

    There is more risk now from water-borne radiation, than air-borne radiation.
    I am eating fish occasionally, although I think I will stop eating fish altogether very soon. I have been buying fish caught in NZ waters whenever I eat fish. The smaller fish I consider to be fairly safe, although there is always going to be a risk now, with any fish, that is, unless you buy fish which has been artificially produced in a tank. But this is not healthy fish, and is just as unpleasant a life for the fish as the life those poor caged chickens suffer. So that is not a solution either, because we do not wish to support this kind of industry which does not consider the animal’s life.
    Big fish, such as tuna, are not safe anymore from radiation, as these fish swim big distances and may have swum through contaminated waters.
    The Japanese authorities were also sinking tons of radioactive waste into the South Pacific ocean, which is another worry – This means, basically that our so-far pristine Pacific ocean will be slowly contaminated with the nuclear waste being dumped in it. Although fish caught in NZ waters is probably safer to eat than fish caught closer to Japan, there will always be a risk now, of NZ-caught fish being contaminated with radiation. Also – many fish swim great distances, and will have swum through radiation-affected waters in Japan. Which means they will be transporting radio-active materials all over the world’s oceans.

    I would not use kelp or spirulina products for a while, especially if they came from south east Asia. Japan, I think, is producing seaweeds again, but I would not consider these to be safe. Maybe these sea foods might be OK if they came from NZ, or Alaska.
    Mung beans are a great food to keep in stock. They are high in protein, and can be sprouted to make fresh, raw greens if there is another disaster. Even without a disaster, they are very good for you. Unless they are grown in at-risk radiation areas, they will be a safer protein to eat than fish and other animals, which readily absorb radiation chemicals.

    You can’t avoid environmental pollutants completely. So it is necessary to take combative measures for our health.
    I think it is a good idea to periodically cleanse the body, to help it detoxify from radiation chemicals and other toxins it may have ingested. Taking castor oil occasionally, or epsom salts, really helps enormously to get rid of unwanted chemicals. Calcium ascorbate Vitamin C is another good detoxifyer. For young children, I think I would use a little calcium ascorbate vitamin C, or another recommended sspecific baby product which has anti-oxidant vitamin C in it.
    Buying organic food as much as possible, and having the odd meal of just organic fruits, is another way to help reduce radiation poisons in the body. Organic celery is especially good.
    These are my thoughts to date on the radiation issue.
    I look forward to hearing your own thoughts on the matter.
    Kind Regards,

  11. Hi again Merrilyn,
    Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and well thought out response! I totally agree with you on the no vaccines thing. I have never been immunised, and my son has not and definitely will not be getting any. I have enjoyed very good health all my life and he is a very healthy little boy too. Also in relation to our current topic of coversation, I am sure that by not being immunised, a child would have a far better chance of dealing with any radiation that they do come in contact with.

    It sounds like you got a fair bit of pollution on the HBC, which is very sad to hear as I grew up there. I did not notice anything down here at the time, but that is not to say there was none…but my son had just been born and I was also inside a fair amount and preoccupied with him.

    It is very hard to know what a safe distance from Japan is for food. Especially things from China, as it is such a big country…but I definitely don’t fancy the idea of foods that come from the parts that are close to Japan! I don’t eat fish (vegetarian) but I agree on the seaweed…although that is a real shame as a lot of seaweed and algae products are so good for you. I think some algae products especially are produced in sterile environments…which is something I think I will look into further. Another thing that I have been thinking about is sunflower seeds. Sunflowers are used and well known for their ability to absorb radiation from soil. They are such a healthy food, and used widely…but surely one has to be very careful now. Imagine if you are eating Sunflower seeds from China (they sell them in our organic shop) potentially that could be like eating radiation pills surely!?!

    I agree that we can’t avoid everything, and I think also the worst thing we can do is worry considering the power our thoughts have to shape our reality. I am therefore trying to be aware, and make the best choices possible given what I know. We are trying to grow as much we can, and I think it is extremely important, now more than ever, to keep as healthy as possible so that our bodies can deal with any pollutants they come in contact with…radiation, pestisides and everything else!

    Thank you again for talking the time to chat with me…I look forward to reading your future blog posts too.

    Warm Wishes,
    Ange 🙂

  12. Hi Ange,
    Thanks so much for your valuable comments. Great news on sunflower seeds having the ability to absorb radiation from the soil – this would indicate that they have the ability to draw poisons out of the body also. But, as you point out – no good if the sunflowers have been grown in a toxic area of China, or anywhere near Japan, as they are likely to be high in radiation poisons. You do need to grow your own so that you can avoid buying sunflower seeds which might have come from a toxic environment.

    Really good to hear your thoughts on the immunization issue, too. You are right, I believe – anyone who has not been immunized will be able to cope better with radiation poisons and other random toxins which we might be subjected to in our environment, than those babies who were immunized in their young years.

    You must be the same generation as my daughter, whom I never vaccinated. This means that your babies are second generation NO VACCINE children.
    I am sure that you know these facts, but I will explain here for the benefit of readers:

    You are fortunate that you were not vaccinated either, and so is your baby, as research shows that babies born to parents who were vaccinated have weaker immune systems than those children born to unvaccinated parents. Once a person is vaccinated, the immune function is affected adversely, and this weakness is inherited by the next generation, who, if they are also vaccinated, will pass on an extremely negative legacy of health to their children.
    These children born to several generations of immunized parents are often so weak that they cannot survive the normal childhood illnesses without antibiotics. They are more likely to suffer complications from having the normal childhood infections.
    Another problem for all children vaccinated or unvaccinated, is that vaccines themselves have created new strains of these illnesses which modern science cannot keep up with in terms of finding a vaccine for every possible strain of illness. There are some severe and dangerous strains of flu and other diseases now which cannot be cured by antibiotics. So that if you have had immunization , in the event of a rogue virus or infection, your chances will be even slimmer of recovering without complications, than if you were unimmunized.

    So this means that if the human race is to survive, then we must break the cycle of immunization and begin strengthening up our children, generation by generation.

    Homeopathic remedies, vitamin therapy, fasting on fresh juices or fruit, and cleansing measures such as castor oil, epsom salts, and enemas, all have their place when an epidemic is doing the rounds. Enemas would not normally be used for children, unless the disease is life-threatening and the child is severly dehydrated.

    I used only these natural methods – vitamin C and other vitamins, fasting on juioes, and herbal and homeopathic remedies, for treating the childhood illnesses, although I would warn any person new to these healing methods to seek advice from a professional homeopath or naturopathic doctor before attempting to find the right remedy for any given illness. Getting an expert opinion is so very important.

    Interesting to note that my Grandson, who is not vaccinated and has been breast-fed on demand without reference to any clock, has not been sick AT ALL until the age of 17 months, when he had a mild infection with a rash which looked like measles. He recovered naturally within a few days, without the intervention of modern medicine, although my daughter did take him along to the doctor’s for a check-up for her peace of mind. Two other breast-fed babies we know of, who are roughly the same age as my grandson, have had the standard vaccination-immunization shots, and they have already had several periods of sickness within their first year of life. These children seem frail compared to my Grandson who is an extremely healthy, happy and strong little boy.

    He has shown advanced mental development and language skill from around one year old which I also attribute to on-demand breast-feeding and being VACCINATION FREE. Having Samoan genes may have something to do with it.

    Thanks again.
    Best Wishes for you and your baby,

  13. Ange’s response: Thanks for your reply…I agree with you on the postive effects of having multiple generations VACCINATION FREE. Let’s hope the world opens up their eyes and starts to make a change in this area soon!

    In regards to the Sunflowers…yes the seeds may well draw toxins from the body, I am not sure. The seeds have a lot of other health benefits, and sprouted the microgreens are extremely good for you too. Just to clarify though, it is the plant itself that draws up the radiation from the soil (rather than the seeds) …but that is not to say the seeds can’t have the same properties, it would be interesting to research it. Also, I think it is important to note (although I am no expert) that Sunflowers also absorb other things such as heavy metals…so I would think in an increasingly polluted world it makes sense to eat seeds grown from the purest locations possible…and yes, great to grow your own.

    Great to chat,
    Ange 🙂

  14. Hi again…I was just wondering if you know anywhere in New Zealand where you can buy organic mung beans that are not grown in China…or anywhere else too close for comfort to Japanese radiation?
    Warm Wishes,
    Ange 🙂

  15. Hi Ange – Nice to hear from you again. I think Harvest Wholefoods in Auckland have organic mung beans. I will phone them tomorrow and check this out for you. I will also make enquiries at the Orewa Bin Inn – They have a lot of organic produce. Yes – my source of mung beans which I bought in bulk immediately after the Japanese Fukushima nuclear disaster, have almost run out. I have been wondering where I might find a safe source as well.
    I will add to this reply tomorrow once I find out…
    Will talk some more tomorrow,
    Best Regards,

  16. Hi again Ange – On Organic Mung Beans NOT grown in China – Hard to find in New Zealand, unfortunately.

    Harverst Wholefoods have organic mung beans, but they come from China. $10.03 per kg.
    Bin Inn Orewa has Organic Mung Beans at $10.50 a kg. They buy them from Ceres, and they are certified organic with a Bio-Gro label, but there is no country of origin on the label.
    Phoned Ceres – their shop in Ladies Mile has Organic Mung Beans at $8.70 per kilo, or $9.30 for a 500gm pack. Their product comes from China, which would mean that the Bin Inn product also comes from China, since they buy their mung beans from Ceres.

    The person I spoke to at Ceres said that they are truly confident about their Chinese source of certified organic mung beans. She said that very stringent measures are set on their organic produce, and that the Chinese product meets all the requirements.
    China is a very big place – There should be parts of China where mung beans can be grown in a relatively clean environment.

    Mung beans are grown in many parts of the world – pity we only have the Chinese option.
    However ‘clean’ their mung beans may be, China has more nuclear power stations than anywhere in the world, and plans to build 100 more in the next five years. So I would be reluctant to support an economy which is so blatantly in denial of the harm nuclear power does to the environment generally, even if these organic beans are regarded as OK.
    Looks like I might have to go without mung beans, if I am going to stick to my principles. And I’d better stop buying stuff at the Two Dollar shops……..
    Best wishes,

  17. Thanks for getting back to me Merrilyn. Yeah it is a tough one! I have also not yet been able to find any organic ones grown outside of China. As you say China is a very big country, so a lot of stuff would probably be perfectly fine, however looking on a map at just how close some parts of China are to Japan does worry me.

    As to supporting the Chinese economy…yeah it is sad that they have not had any change of heart regarding nuclear power in light of recent events. Food safety aside for a moment, I guess that supporting the ORGANIC industry in China is at least encouraging that industry to grow…but yes, is ultimately supporting the nations economy regardless.

    I don’t think I will be buying any Chinese mung beans at the moment, but I will keep looking elsewhere in NZ for an organic source that is from a safer location for growing. I will let you know if I find one.

    Warm Wishes,
    Ange 🙂

  18. Hi Ange – good to hear your comments, as usual. I feel the same way about using Chinese mung beans, even though they might be classified as organic – I would rather not use them.
    As you say, China is pretty close to Japan, which means that it will be exposed more than some other countries to the radioactive contamination which was released, and is still being released, from the ruined Fukushima nuclear power plants.
    I would rather use some other locally grown food than buy mung beans from China. I will also avoid buying Chinese garlic, or any other food product which comes from China, for this reason, as well as the fact that China has a proliferation of nuclear power plants, and seems reluctant to be doing anything about seeking environmentally friendly alternatives. Their human rights stance, or rather, lack of human rights consideration, and lack of free speech, is another thing which I feel very unhappy about.
    Thanks again – I always enjoy putting up your comments, as they keep the dialogue on environmental awareness alive. All good for generating awareness on this crucial issue.
    Best Regards,

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