Homeopathy and Your Child’s Health

Homeopathy For The Home First Aid Kit

How To Avoid Using Harmful Medications:

I used herbal medicine and homeopathic remedies for many years when I was bringing up my children. I found these remedies to be so incredibly successful that the whole family did without standard inoculations, and we all avoided seeing a doctor for many years. There are no harmful side effects in using the common homeopathic remedies, unlike using  allopathic prescription medicine, which usually has negative and toxic side effects of some sort.

However, I do not dare to suggest that people should follow my example. Sometimes allopathic medicine is necessary, and doctors and nurses do indeed save many lives: I urge you to see a health professional before following the ideas I out-line in this, and other, articles.

HOMEOPATHY is a wonderful age-old science of medicine which can be used effectively for treating many common conditions and complaints, both physical and emotional.

ARNICA   Arnica is the number one remedy. All families with young children would benefit from adding this to their first-aid kits.  It is an amazing remedy for shocks, bruises and sprains. Buy some TODAY.

Arnica can help settle the emotions as well as heal the bruise. The trauma which has been endured  after an accident can be alleviated by taking arnica. Often we get nervous stabbing pains around an injury which persist long after physical recovery. These, too, are helped by arnica, even when taken  years after the injury.

In the old days when I was a girl, before New Zealand country people had knowledge of the wonderful homeopathic remedies available to us today, our  mothers used to give us aspirin or pain killers for the after-effects of an injury.

These days even worse alternatives are used by many parents:  Drug companies make drug combinations which are sold as safe medecines for calming young children, and even putting them to sleep. This is an extremely sad state of affairs, as the children who are being dosed with these harmful products are

1. Not being allowed to behave and develop as normal healthy children.

2.There is a real danger of these children becoming drug dependent as children, and drug or alcohol dependent in their adulthood. Depression, which affects 1 or 2 out of 5 in our “civilized” culture – the statistics are increasing- will sadly be the result if these commercial sedatives are used on a regular basis. Avoid them like the plague.

Instead, use a dash of ARNICA.

You can’t get addicted to ARNICA and it won’t harm your health or your child’s  in any way.

3. There are ALWAYS side effects to any drug or medication, especially when regularly used. The side effects of these sedative products is not widely advertised even when the drug companies KNOW what these side effects will be. There is a liklihood that damage  to kidneys, liver, heart, circulaton, nervous system, muscular and bone growth, and brain development will occur. The practice of using such products should be avoided at all cost.

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