Simple Solution To Help Sleep And Stop Snoring

Natural Remedy

Loss of sleep due to a persistent snorer can be a very debilitating and harassing problem. Curing it can bring harmony back into the household again.

This novel idea has helped some peope sleep better.  It sounds very amusing, but can be very effective.  Note: You should see your doctor or naturopath for a checkup if persistent snoring is a bother.  Meanwhile, you could try this simple procedure, the account of which a listener phoned into Ewing Stevens’ New Zealand radio show in the 1990’s.

Simply sew a pocket on the back of the pyjama jacket, or night wear being worn.  Make the pocket large enough to hold a tennis ball.  Put in the tennis ball and button up the pocket.  Do not use safety pins to close the pocket, as they could open during the night and injure the person.

The tennis ball will serve to annoy the person each time they roll onto their back, and they should quickly find another position which does not involve lying on the back.  Thus, because of this deterent, snoring, which usually happens when a person is lying face upwards, is less likely to occur.

The tennis ball technique, over time, just could cure the habit of snoring.  In that case, then you can forget about the tennis ball.

Help Sleep With Onions: Another thing to try is eating two fried onions in the evening meal, or just before going to bed.  Onions are a soporific and have the reputation of bringing on peaceful sleep.