Iodine Heart Palpitations

Iodine Can Cause Heart Palpitations: Iodine is very necessary for good health and for the function of the thyroid gland.

Too much iodine, though, can result in heart palpitations if you use it too often or too much at a time. Heart palpitations are often a sign that you have too much of a chemical in your body, unless you are unfortunate enough to have some serious illness.

Sensitive people often get heart palpitations when they get within close proximity to any strong chemical.  Even being near a quantity of homeopathic preparations, or herbal infusions, can give some people heart palpitations.  Some people may be sensitive enough to experience heart palpitations by simply coming into contact with iodine.  These people who are extremely sensitive will probably experience heart palpitations by getting  too close to electricity power transformers or cell phones and other sources of electro magnetic energy and radiation.  If you are one of these sensitive people, then it is probably best to avoid using liquid iodine.

Iodine sensitive people should not use iodine to regrow hair. Use kelp in your food instead, and eat more fish to get your daily iodine  requirements.  You need iodine to maintain a healthy thyroid, keep glandular functions normal, and to prevent goitre.

For Sensitive People Wishing To Regrow Hair:  Drink oat straw tea to help  hair growth, and have oatmeal porridge daily. These are both rich in silica, which helps hair growth.  You can use oat straw tea as a rinse for your hair after washing.  This combines well with using apple cider vinegar, which is  a nutrient rich tonic for the hair.

Having candida, or yeast infection, can also cause heart palpitations,  make you more sensitive to chemicals, and produce allergy reactions to some foods.

This is why, when using iodine to improve hair growth and treat hair loss and other conditions, we only need one or two dabs of the iodine on the scalp or the soles of the feet.  Iodine is absorbed through the  pores of the skin, which is why you do not need to paint iodine onto the skin every day.  Once a week is probably enough for most people, especially for small children, who will only need one dab.

After two or three weeks of treatment for your hair loss,  you could leave the iodine alone for a few weeks before doing another few weeks of iodine treatment.

Avoid using liquid iodine if you are having reactions to it.

Can Iodine Cause Heart Palpitations

Heart Palpitations.

Can Iodine cause heart palpitations? Yes, it can, if you use too much at a time.

Iodine For Hair Growth: Iodine, of course, is great for stimulating  hair growth.  But you must not over-do the Iodine.

Heart Palpitations From Iodine: You may  get heart palpitations from iodine if you are very sensitive to chemicals, or you have candida albicans, a yeast infection, or you have  a weakened immune system. In any of these cases  you might experience  a slight toxic reaction, with  heart palpitations, from using even  moderate amounts of iodine on your skin.

Allergy to Iodine:  Avoid Using Iodine if you are getting heart palpitations, and see your health professional.

For most people, using Iodine on the skin is not a problem. A dab or two of iodine applied to the skin is healthy for most people, as this helps prevent iodine deficiency. When iodine  is applied to the skin, it is absorbed into the skin, into the blood, and benefits the thyroid gland so that you do not get goitre and other malfunctions of the glands, and hormone imbalances.

Many Other Things  Can  Cause Heart Palpitations:  The heart has finely tuned electrical impulses all of its own, as does the brain, and so people can get heart palpitations from being too close to electrical appliances when they are going,  or sitting next to an electicity extension cord even while an appliance is not switched on: Alternating currents still  go back and forth along a cord to an appliance even if it is not switched on.

Heart palpitations, therefore,  can result from being in the close proximity of an electrical generator, transformer, or high tension wires, or being too close to other electro-magnetic forces.  These things also affect your brain function, and nervous impulses.

Poor memory can result from exposure to high-level electrical impulses, and even  to being exposed to  low-level radiation over the long term. Radio waves and electromagnetic vibrations from electrical sources seriously do undermine the health.

Cell phones can cause heart palpitations, as can and do  cell phone transmitters.  If you spend too much time being close to these energy fields, then your own electrical impulses will be disrupted, and this will have an effect on the whole nervous system, including the brain, the heart and nervous impulses.

Herbicides and pesticides, even in microscopic amounts on the breeze, can cause heart palpitations.  Being near hidden sites of rat poison can cause heart palpitations.

Potted indoor orchids,  tropical indoor plants, and even vases of flowers, especially if the plants  contain alkaloids as in the case with magnolias, can cause heart palpitations. This is because thewater in the vase leaches out some of the poisons in the plant:  As this water starts to ferment, the potency of the poisons are increased. Bingo.  You have a recipe for causing  migraine and heart palpitations.

Heart Palpitations are a Barometer:  Getting heart palpitations, for myself, is always a warning that something is not right in my environment. Getting palpitations gives you time to reassess your environment and the poisons around you, and gives you an opportunity to correct things before you get sick. This is how I avoid getting sick from poisonous chemicals and electro-magnetic interference – by listening to my heart.  I do not go to the doctor to get something to stop the palpitations, as that will only make the matter worse, and will not address the CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE.  Heart palpitations will cease in a healthy body when the cause is removed.  Having said that – again,  don’t use Iodine if it makes your heart flutter.

So – heart palpitations for me are a good thing, as they alert me to hidden dangers. From there, I have to work out exactly what the contaminant is. Then I can remove the cause.

Using some drugs such as Voltarin, or Warfarin, can cause heart palpitations.  I get heart palpitations if I spend too long in the kitchen, cooking,  near to where a relative of mine keeps his warfarin on the sink bench.

And did you hear the latest about Voltarin?  On the news just last night, Channel One, TVNZ, we heard that you have an  80%  chance of suffering a stroke if you take Voltarin.

These drugs should never be prescribed, in my opinion:  There are plenty of proven natural and herbal remedies available, to use as alternatives.  These alternatives  are safe and are better options than orthodox medications  to prevent stroke and heart attack.  Warfarin and Voltarin, which seem to be prescribed for many people over the age of 55, are very risky medicines indeed, and actually cause a degeration of the vital organs, instead of rejuvenating them.

Avoid Using Iodine If You Get Heart Palpitations: Getting back to the use of Iodine on the skin:  If you experience heart palpitations from using iodine directly on the skin, then you should avoid using it. It could be that a candida infection is the problem, or  that toxic bowels are making you super-sensitive, or that you are using too much Iodine.

However – if in doubt, then don’t use it.  Instead, you should get your iodine straight from the sea-bed, in the way of oysters, mussels, sardines, tuna, and mackerel.  Kelp is another  excellent source of Iodine.

Foods Rich in Iodine

Foods High in Iodine
It is important to eat plentiful amounts of iodine-rich foods in your diet.

 Iodine is one of the six most important minerals for body health, along with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc. Of course, traces of the remaining dozen minerals are also necessary for the optimum  function of body organs and for the maintenance of cellular tissue. However, Iodine is the mineral featured in this article: iodine is so often deficient in people’s diets.

Why Iodine is Important:
Iodine is essential for healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth. A deficiency in iodine will affect your hair growth for sure.  Poor mental function, poor eye-sight, lack of energy, and slow growth in children are other symptoms likely to be suffered by people who are deficient in iodine.
Because two thirds of the body’s iodine is stored in the thyroid gland, a deficiency of iodine directly affects the thyroid function,  and this disturbance can result in your putting on a lot of weight.It can also lead to goitre and hypothyroidism.
Adults need somewhere between 80-150mcg daily, the guideline being 1 mcg for every kilogram of your body weight. Pregnant women and breast-feeding mums need to keep their intake on the high side of average.

You can over-do iodine if you take supplements, however, you cannot over-dose on iodine if you rely on food to give you your daily requirement of the mineral. It pays to remember, also, that iodine is often destroyed in the processing of foods which would normally hold iodine, and that over-worked soils are often deficient themselves in iodine, so that foods produced on these soils are also deficient in iodine and other minerals, like zinc.
Liquid iodine can be used on the scalp to supplement your iodine intake, and help your hair to regrow: see my posts on ‘Iodine Hair Growth’, ‘Iodine Scalp Hair Remedy’‘Regrow Hair’ and ‘Iodine’.

Foods rich  in iodine are all those which come from the sea. Sea-water has high amounts of iodine in it, and this is absorbed by all sea life – all sea-water fish, shellfish, and sea-weeds. You absorb a little iodine as you swim in sea-water, and lie on the sand at the beach.

Living by the sea will increase your iodine levels minimally, as the salt spray will be breathed in and settle on the skin where it will be absorbed: this is one reason why sailors generally have excellent eye-sight.
Lobster, shrimp, crayfish, crab,oysters, mussels, abalone, sardines, mackerel and tuna are foods which are all extremely high in iodine.
Sea-salt also contains iodine. This is a more preferable way to take iodine than using iodized salt, which has sodium iodide added to it. The iodine in sea-salt is natural, elemental iodine, and is more easily assimilated than sodium iodide. There is much written on the subject of iodized salt which suggests this could actually be harmful, compounded by the fact that free-flowing agents, like aluminium, are also added to iodized table salt.
Kelp is a valuable source of iodine. Kelp could be substituted for table salt. It should be added to meals to ensure that enough iodine is acquired for the body, especially considering that many vegetables do not have the expected amount of iodine due to being grown on impoverished soils.
Onions, garlic, leeks, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts are normally good sources of iodine, however their iodine content depends on how much iodine is in the soils where they were grown.
Root vegetables such as beetroot and carrots, turnips, swede, parsnips, dandelions and salsify, and other vegetables which are deep-rooted, like comfrey, and jerusalem artichokes, are normally high in iodine. The globe artichoke, which belongs to the thistle family, is a rich source of iodine and other minerals and vitamins. The common nettle, which can be boiled as a vegetable or made into a tea, also contains reasonable amounts of iodine.
Milk, butter, yogurt and eggs all contain some iodine.
But kelp is the king of all iodine providers. Just half a teaspoonful of kelp powder provides you with about 1700 mcg of iodine, which well exceeds the dietary standard.