
Natural fluoride is found in most fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and meat. This type of fluoride is known as calcium fluoride. Calcium fluoride  helps to build strong bones and teeth and nails.
The recommended daily allowance is somewhere between 1000 mcg and 4000 mcg. or between 1 milligramm and 4 milligrams. Your body weight is the deciding factor. Enough calcium fluoride can be gained from your food to amply make up this amount, if  your diet includes plenty of fluoride rich foods such as are included in the list below.

Sodium fluoride is not such a good type of fluoride. This is added to our water to provide more fluoride for the growing of strong teeth and bones. However, this type of fluoride is not assimilated in the same way as the natural calcium fluoride found in food. Many authorities think that sodium fluoride in fluoridated water is the cause of many health problems.
There should be no need to fluoridate water with sodium fluoride.

One negative aspect of fluoridating water is that you cannot regulate the dose: if you drink a lot of tap water or beverages made with tap water,
then you will be consuming huge amounts of sodium fluoride: one litre of fluoridated water contains about 1100 mcg.
If you are a big tea drinker, then you will be absorbing plenty of calcium fluorde from the tea itself, plus extra sodium fluoride from your tap water.

Too much sodium fluoride can cause brittle, and stained, chalky-looking teeth in children. These fracture easily.
People with bone conditions and immune disfunction should avoid drinking fluoridated water and opt for pure unadulterated water, in order to make a recovery or prevent a worsening of symptoms.

It can cause calcium growths on bones and on the joints of people of all ages.
It can cause fatigue, headaches, numbness in the limbs and fingers and toes, easy bruising and internal bleeding.
It is better to get your fluoride from natural sources and avoid  fluoridated water, if possible.

Some of the best food sources for naturally occuring calcium fluoride are:

One cup of black ceylon tea, made with UNtreated,UNfluoridated water gives you about 250 mcg of fluoride.
One cup of whole milk gives you 45 mcg
The outer bran part of grains yields fluoride – one slice of wholemeal bread gives roughly 35 mcg
100 gms of fish gives about 80 mcg. Canned salmon, mackerel and sardines are higher because the bones are also eaten:
these are high in calcium fluoride and other minerals, including iodine.
100 gms of meat gives about 50 mcg
One cup of either broccoli or cabbage or brussels sprouts or carrots give around 30 mcg.
Untreated water contains small amounts of natural fluoride. The amount will vary depending on where you live, and where your water is sourced.