Iodine Heart Palpitations

Iodine Can Cause Heart Palpitations: Iodine is very necessary for good health and for the function of the thyroid gland.

Too much iodine, though, can result in heart palpitations if you use it too often or too much at a time. Heart palpitations are often a sign that you have too much of a chemical in your body, unless you are unfortunate enough to have some serious illness.

Sensitive people often get heart palpitations when they get within close proximity to any strong chemical.  Even being near a quantity of homeopathic preparations, or herbal infusions, can give some people heart palpitations.  Some people may be sensitive enough to experience heart palpitations by simply coming into contact with iodine.  These people who are extremely sensitive will probably experience heart palpitations by getting  too close to electricity power transformers or cell phones and other sources of electro magnetic energy and radiation.  If you are one of these sensitive people, then it is probably best to avoid using liquid iodine.

Iodine sensitive people should not use iodine to regrow hair. Use kelp in your food instead, and eat more fish to get your daily iodine  requirements.  You need iodine to maintain a healthy thyroid, keep glandular functions normal, and to prevent goitre.

For Sensitive People Wishing To Regrow Hair:  Drink oat straw tea to help  hair growth, and have oatmeal porridge daily. These are both rich in silica, which helps hair growth.  You can use oat straw tea as a rinse for your hair after washing.  This combines well with using apple cider vinegar, which is  a nutrient rich tonic for the hair.

Having candida, or yeast infection, can also cause heart palpitations,  make you more sensitive to chemicals, and produce allergy reactions to some foods.

This is why, when using iodine to improve hair growth and treat hair loss and other conditions, we only need one or two dabs of the iodine on the scalp or the soles of the feet.  Iodine is absorbed through the  pores of the skin, which is why you do not need to paint iodine onto the skin every day.  Once a week is probably enough for most people, especially for small children, who will only need one dab.

After two or three weeks of treatment for your hair loss,  you could leave the iodine alone for a few weeks before doing another few weeks of iodine treatment.

Avoid using liquid iodine if you are having reactions to it.

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