Chlorine in Water


Chlorine is a necessary part of our cell make-up. It forms part of the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs.
Fish, meats, eggs and vegetables all contain naturally occuring chlorine. We get additional chlorine from table salt, which is known as sodium chloride, which is really not the best thing.

Natural, dietary chlorine helps in the digestion of food and forms  part of cell fluids.
It helps to maintain the health of the lymph system
It helps to maintain correct acidity of blood
It helps to maintain correct action of the liver.

However, too much chlorine destroys intestinal flora which can upset your digestion and inhibit absorption of valuable Vitamins, Minerals and fats.

The most common way in which we overdose ourselves on chlorine is through the chlorination of water, which  is something most of us  have to live with these days.

Water is chlorinated to protect us  from diseases such as cholera,  typhoid fever and many other life-threatening diseases  which previously were a threat before the practice of chlorinating water was adopted. However, the many side effects from drinking chlorinating water would suggest that it really is better not to drink it at all if you can possibly avoid it.

If you drink a lot of water, or tea, or coffee, then you will be ingesting high amounts of, not just  chlorine, but also  fluroide, and aluminium.  Filtering your water to rid it of  the chlorine in your water supply, or boiling your tap water, or letting it stand in the sunlight in a green bottle for several hours, are several options to consider for minimizing the chlorine in your water. However, these treatments do not necessarily remove all the harmful or un-wanted additives which are in tap water. 

One helpful tip: The volume of some  chemicals in treated water can be reduced, and their toxicity negated,  by putting fresh grass or some fresh garden herbs into a bottle of water which is then left in the sun
for an hour before straining.

Drinking chlorinated water affects our digestion on a long term basis.

The effect of absorbing too much chlorine can be felt  after you have bathed in a swimming pool for half an hour or so: this causes excess chlorine to be absorbed through the  pores of the skin. From there, it enters  the bloodstream:  Heart palpitations, weak pulse, pins and needles,  numbness in the limbs, and dizziness,  are some symptoms which can be experienced by sensitive people when they are  exposed to  excessive chlorine such as the amounts found in swimming pools.
The kidneys have to work hard to eliminate this surplus: this can tire the kidneys, which often results in a candida infection,  or some other urinary tract infection after swimming in chlorinated pools. People often think that they have ‘caught’ something’ in these pools, and in a way they probably have, but it is the chlorine which sets the climate for bugs to invade, as it kills off the friendly bacteria in your body, lowers immunity, and tires and
weakens the kidneys as they try to cope with the overload.

6 thoughts on “Chlorine in Water”

  1. Hi –

    I found your article based on a Google search, and I have a daughter who may (emphasize – may) have such a reaction to chlorine.

    Do you have any additional references or sources of information that describe the allergy and the allergic reactions ?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. Hi Sean,
    If you are not sure about your daughter’s sensitivity, then you should take her to an allergy specialist. In the meantime, you could cut all chorinated water out. Buy bottled water instead of using tap water. If you cannot obtain untreated water, then boil all drinking water and leave it to sit for at least an hour before you drink it. Putting a few fresh clean green herbs into the cold water for a couple of hours helps to neutralize chlorine and some other chemicals. Chlorine is actually not good for any of us, but some people are more sensitive to it than others. If you have skin ailments such as eczema, then you’re best to avoid chorinated water, and all treated water.
    Regards, Merrilyn

  3. Better to buy a filter then bottled water. Reduce the amount of discarded plastic…. just sayin’

  4. Yes. I am thinking seriously of buying a good quality water filter. Hopefully one which will filter out radioactive particles as well as chlorine. If there is another nuclear disaster of any kind, the availability of clean water will be the number one factor if you are to reduce or avoid radioactive contamination of the body. All water exposed to the elements is affected by radioactive material in the air. Can you recommend a filter that will deal with this problem?
    And – yes – good idea of yours to do away with plastic containers and use filters instead. Plastic is surely damaging to the environment, and to us.

  5. Merrilyn,
    I have a business dealing with drinking water purification and have done much research on contaminates as a water treatment professional. I recommend point-of-use drinking water treatment using a 5-stage reverse osmosis unit installed under the kitchen sink with storage and a dedicated tap. The carbon filters rid water of chlorine and fluoride and disinfection by products found in municipal water and radium, heavy metals, and inorganics are removed by the membrane. This is what I use for my family after having worked at two municipal facilities.
    Marty Olson
    Innovative Water Systems
    (502) 514-6783
    [email protected]

  6. Thankyou Marty, for your water purifying information.
    Funny – I think our outer communications network is at work here, because I was just about to put up a post on how contaminated our water is just at the moment.
    Yesterday, I went down to the shops to buy a 10 litre pack of water. First time in ages. My, did this water taste GOOD.

    Suddenly, just lately, my health has been undermined. I felt I was being poisoned from somewhere – eyes blurry and bloodshot, pupils dilated, joint pains, stomach pains – nausea – shaking – feeling of imminent collapse – the works.
    These effects have been getting steadily worse over the past week, since spraying with RoundUp, or some other toxic chemical, has been done in our town, and agricultural spraying as well. Also, in the past few days, I have been gardening without gloves in this soil which has been sprayed with RoundUp for years, and which was contaminated years ago. Our housing complex is built on ground which was in-filled. I can detect lead, oil, battery acid and asbestos in this soil. No more gardening for me here.

    I wondered about the spray – tons of it by the looks of the dead grass around the town – could the poisons be seeping into the old pipes wherever there are cracks and breakages?
    Could it be that asbestos is leaching from the old joints in the pipes? Or from chemical wastes in the soil? The symptoms I have been experiencing
    are similar to when I suffered asbestos poisoning. Or is the water being contaminated at source? Or all of these things?
    Yesterday, there was no doubt that the water was one thing which was making me sick – probably the RoundUp and agricultural chemical residues as well.
    I had saved a jug of water from the night before, when water usage was at its most highest, and when you would expect it to have less of
    the metallic and asbestos residues leaching from the old pipes.
    The idea was to start the day with a pint of water to clean my system out, instead of having my usual brewed coffee. Well, the water was so incredibly bitter and foul-tasting, I threw it out and went straight down to buy bottled water.

    25th July, 2013, Thursday: Around 9.30 this morning, I walked up to the hospital to do some voluntary piano playing. Studholme Street had been sprayed very recently, and there were large strips of deadly yellow and brown grass all down the grass verges. This is a very potent weedkiller which is being used here – possibly even worse than RoundUp: It has a very corrosive effect on the lungs and the nerves. It has a bitter taste, which I perceived just from walking amongst it. The walk is around a kilometre from my house, so I walked around 2 kilometres in this toxic environment. I feel the effects of it already, at 1.PM Many people I know have suddenly come down with mysterious inner ear infections, feeling nausea, and bone pains in the past week or so. I feel sure this herbicide is the culprit.
    It gives you sudden chilling when the spraying is first done, as in a symptom of shock, makes your ears ache, irritates the lungs, gives you bone and muscle pains, gives you sudden cramps in the stomach, affects digestion and appetite, and affects the nerves. Multiple sclerosis is one likely condition which might develop from being exposed to this chemical on a regular basis.
    The pharmaceutical companies, as well as the doctors, will be making a mint from the hundreds of people who will be visiting their doctors this week.
    I feel sure that this weedkiller has contaminated our water as well.

    Perhaps I will have to move again. In the meantime, I must not drink the water from the tap here anymore.
    I will look into your method.
    Thanks again.
    PS on 31st July, 2013: The toxic effects of the spray in the air were very much reduced by Sunday 29th July, 2013.The water seemed better also – the bitter flavour was not so prominent.

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